New (to me) .41 mag new model Blackhawk

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Bob D

Dec 28, 2007
I picked up a used .41 mag Blackhawk at Gander yesterday, $250 + $15
to the governor. Anyone know the BEST source for brass? By that I mean new and cheapest. Thanks in advance, pics to follow.
For brass

For bullets

The Meister 41 cal 215 grain bullet works extremely well, particularly with Unique or IMR4227. A starting load of Unique will drive a 215 grain cast bullet at about 950 fps. IMR4227 will drive a similar cast bullet at about 1150 fps without significant leading and extremely accurately in my experience.

I RARELY shoot jacketed bullets out of my 41. No need except for when hunting. I have used the Remington 210 grain JSP for many years and it shoots accurately with every powder I have tried, Unique, IMR4227, Accurate #9, 2400, H110. I generally use H110 for full power loads with this bullet.
Nice buy, you will love your 41. I use starline brass, around my parts, it runs a little cheaper than the others. For hunting I use 210 grn hornady XTP,s with accurate #9. Enjoy your purchase.
I have to agree with surveyor47 Starline brass is great and I too use Meister Bulllets for my plinkers. For top end loads I use Cast Performance or Montana Bullets Works hard cast. I use Universal and H110. Have never shot jacketed or factory ammo through my .41's.

I did have a few Starline Brass in .41 split, But it was one of those moments. Took a .41 and a .45Colt to the range. Yep they prefer being shot from the .41. (Duh!!!) :lol:

You will enjoy the .41.

Welcome to the 41 mag fan club. I sold my 44's and enjoy shooting my 41's a lot more. I agree unique and 215 gr cast are great. greg :)
45Colt_Man":3ga9qdrh said:
I have to agree with surveyor47 Starline brass is great and I too use Meister Bulllets for my plinkers. For top end loads I use Cast Performance or Montana Bullets Works hard cast. I use Universal and H110. Have never shot jacketed or factory ammo through my .41's.

I did have a few Starline Brass in .41 split, But it was one of those moments. Took a .41 and a .45Colt to the range. Yep they prefer being shot from the .41. (Duh!!!) :lol:

You will enjoy the .41.


I tend toward Unique and 2400 but I have to agree Cast Performance and MBW (Keith ) are the way to go.
Has anyone tried Lil Gun in the 41 Magnum? Hodgdon has posted some data, but I havent tried it yet. Fantastic powder in the 357 Magnum. Accuracy is fantastic and advertised velocity with 158 grain Jacketed bullets is higher than factory 125 grain bullets. That ought to crack the forcing cone of a K-frame S&W in nothing flat. I would reserve that powder for L-Frame S&W and the Ruger GP100 and Blackhawk.
Thanks for the info guys, it's a 4-5/8. First one I've had, I was always curious about one and the price was rightr so I grabbed it. That extra .019 of my 44 mag can't be too much more.
You will find that the 41 does 99% of what a handgun should be called upon to do, with non offensive recoil. It is not intended as a Grizzly round, but then, there havent been grizzlys in my hunting areas in about 200 years. Big hogs yes, and 250 grain Federal Core Casts ought to do the trick.

The 41 seems to be more consistent than the 44 magnum accuracy wise. Speaking with Ruger some time ago, I learned that there is a much tightere specification for bore and groove diamters for the 41 than the 44. This translates into 1 bullet jacketed bullet diameter for the 41, which is 0.410 and 2 diameters for the 44, which are 0.429 and 0.430. Remington actually produces 2 bullet diameters for the 44! Some manufacturers use 0.429 and others use 0.430. Thats enough to drive a reloader half crazy until he slugs his barrel.
45Colt_Man":3of9r54c said:
I did have a few Starline Brass in .41 split, But it was one of those moments. Took a .41 and a .45Colt to the range. Yep they prefer being shot from the .41. (Duh!!!) :lol:

Friend of my Dad's shot a .44 Mag in the .45 ACP cylinder of his NMBH convertible.

Only did it once.
Welcome to the .41 MAG club. I sure like mine


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