You will find that the 41 does 99% of what a handgun should be called upon to do, with non offensive recoil. It is not intended as a Grizzly round, but then, there havent been grizzlys in my hunting areas in about 200 years. Big hogs yes, and 250 grain Federal Core Casts ought to do the trick.
The 41 seems to be more consistent than the 44 magnum accuracy wise. Speaking with Ruger some time ago, I learned that there is a much tightere specification for bore and groove diamters for the 41 than the 44. This translates into 1 bullet jacketed bullet diameter for the 41, which is 0.410 and 2 diameters for the 44, which are 0.429 and 0.430. Remington actually produces 2 bullet diameters for the 44! Some manufacturers use 0.429 and others use 0.430. Thats enough to drive a reloader half crazy until he slugs his barrel.