New SRH. Is my scope mount cut defective?

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G. Freeman

Aug 29, 2001
Walnut, California, USA
Hi Guys,
Just received my new SRH. Things look good, except for one of the slots on top of the frame (not the machined cresent cuts on the sides) for the scope mount.




Now I've owned a few Rugers and these cuts are usually very straight to prevent the scope rings from moving front/back. But on my gun, there appears to be a casting flaw at the front inside edge of this slot.

Would you consider this a problem, or have you seen this before?

I'd appreciate your input. I have no plans to send it in to Ruger for this. Don't really even plan to use the scope mounts anytime soon.

Thanks in advance!
It sure isn't pretty. Have you tried the ring on it? I think you could clean that up some with a small file. :shock:
almost looks like "slag" from welding, makes one wonder if they are "casting" the cutouts???? you do see and come acroos "casting craters" from time to time, but those are just "cosmetic" and the nature of castings n general, but you have to clean out that slot for the rings to 'set in' properly and all the way down.....small stone or a cutoff wheel on a Dremel tool should be able to clean it out, cleaning it out with a small file would be a "b!tc#"......(yes ,creative cursing...) 8) :roll: :wink:
I like to use the Ruger ringmounts for optics and have had great success with accuracy and repeatability with the system. I mount mine with both ringmounts square and forward within the slot with the face of the recoil bearing lug flat and flush against the slot bearing surface of the frame (SRH), or of the barrel (SBH/R). Though a posted picture can be deceiving, yours appears to be a mess with nothing flat upon that surface. As is, you'd have minimal surface contact with the recoil lug and I do not see it possible for you to take full advantage of the mounting system in its current condition.

If I intended to mount optics with the factory system, or I intended to sell the firearm sometime in the future, I'd have this corrected.
Yeah, those slots on top are definitely cast-in and not machined.

with both ringmounts square and forward within the slot

This was my main concern. Since we want to prevent the rings from moving forward as the gun bucks back in recoil.

Just wondering how often do we see these casting anomalies on those slots there.

Thanks again folks.
My slots have always been clean. You called Ruger customer service already?

Even if they're machined clean, that doesn't verify that the scope won't shift forward under recoil. In fact, nothing will. If the rings will slip in, they're guaranteed to have room to move.

I've only ever dealt with ring slippage once. It was on my dad's Winchester Model 100. But I could both hear and feel the problem, not to mention the inability to maintain a zero. Have dealt with scopes sliding in poor rings before, but that another beast.