New SR 1911 Commander with odd rifling in the barrel???

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Jun 5, 2013
I finally found an SR1911 Commander. Yee Haw!
However when I brought it home tonight and field-stripped it, I noticed that the rifling in the barrel looked odd.
I have owned dozens of handguns and have never seen a rougher bore. You can barely make out the lands and grooves and both the lands and grooves are grooved.
Ruger barrels have broached rifling but I have seen no examples that look like the bore in my pistol.
Looks like I need to head back to the Store tomorrow and check out the other ones and compare the barrels.
Anybody have one like this? Is this the new Normal on barrel rifling?
No, I have not shot it, I have only owned it for four hours. I noticed it because I cleaned it, it was obviously test fired and not cleaned at the factory. No biggie but what a surprise when I looked down the bore!
guitarguy said:
...have owned dozens of handguns and have never seen a rougher bore...
My SR1911 that I've had since May 1911 has a similar bore. It's the worst I've seen in any Ruger -- or any new firearm, for that matter. Leading from hard-cast bullets was severe for the first several thousand rounds. I've now passed the 10K mark and it's much better, but worse than all my other Ruger and S&W handguns I shoot hard-cast handloads in.

Accuracy is acceptable. I participate in USPSA and IDPA matches. It's good enough for that. I didn't bother sending it back to Ruger because I was (and am) satisfied overall with the SR1911 and didn't want to go through the hassle, nice as Ruger is to deal with.

But, when you say "rifling on the rifling" I know exactly what you're talking about.

FWIW the rifling in my two New Vaqueros, my New Model Blackhawk (which I bought new in 1978), my two MK IIIs, my two No. 1s, and my five 10/22s is glass-smooth. I say this just to point out that Ruger can and does do good barrel work. But they dropped the ball when they made my SR1911 barrel and, apparently, yours too.
I now have a couple SR1911s and one SR1911CMD. They look fine, but I think I would send something like that back and be unhappy about it.
I just came back from the gunshop and the other new one they have is exactly the same and so is and SR40 I checked.
I have Sig's and CZ's and this is not what I am used to but as long as it shoots I can live with it.
The only reason I even noticed it was that they test fire the guns and the bore is left dirty. I cleaned it and got a shock.
It might be interesting to see if it's a batch or just the way the build semi-auto's now.
My SR1911 CMD barrel looks like a normal barrel, smooth rifling, I shoot my own home cast bullets in it with no leading, It also digests plated and FMJ, with no problem and is plenty accurate, especially for a carry gun. It holds about 3-4" at 25 yds. with nothing special handloads, mixed brass etc.
All my Ruger pistols are rougher than most other guns. I don't expect a perfect smooth bore considering most Ruger cf pistol barrels are just plain rough anyway. My Sr1911 has a shallow chamber. So there is very little jump with most ammo and no jump with some. I have to make sure the ammo I use doesn't hit the lands by test fitting.
Are there any pictures of this. I would like to get one of these, but would like to know what to look for before purchase. thanks
Bull Elephant Brand said:
Are there any pictures of this. I would like to get one of these, but would like to know what to look for before purchase. thanks
I'm in the same place on this. Thinking of looking at purchasing the SR1911CMDR and want to know what to look for.
Got my Commander last week , bore is normal looking. My son got his a couple days later ... his also looks normal. From what the OP is describing , think I'd make a call and send it back.

regards , brushunter