Hello all. I have ordered a KP95PR15 and it should be in next week. I'm bitting at the bit waiting for it to get here. So anyway I stopped by Walmart and picked up two boxs of the WWB 115gr FMJ ammo to practice with. I'm planning on using Speer Gold Dot 124gr +P HP for my defense round. It's my understanding that the P95 should not have any problem with the +P load right? I'm kind of new to auto pistols but not to guns at all, is there any thing I need to know about this gun to keep it running smoothly. As soon as it comes in I'll take it down and clean it good when it comes to oiling the pistol were should add a little oil. I have heard it's better to use gun grease on the slide but not been able to find any yet. Anyway thanks for the help.