New Ruger SP 101

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Oct 29, 2009
Scranton Pa
Pretty much new into this sport...used to shoot years ago but nothing to speak of...just bought a new SP 101 in 357mag a few weeks ago to add to my small Ruger am i impressed with this gun...for a 3" barrel i can shoot 8" groups at 12-15 yards first time out...old eyes and tendinitis from playing drums since the 1950s...anyhow for me i am totally happy and hope to get better problems shooting 38spl...never tried 357mag as of now.
Congrats on a great gun! I keep going back to mine as well when I am in the shooting mood.
really good gun, the 125s arnt bad in .357 but the 158jsp hurt after a box full. if you have never seen great muzzle flash up close then be warned.
i just cant get enough of mine.
I'm still learning mine. With 38 and 38+P its right in the circle.Would not heistate to use as a carry gun with 38+P. Need a lot more range time with the full 357 loads to get a handle on it. Like the Winchester 110's for practice, practice, practice. I'll get there yet. Almost always shoot full load 357 in my other rugers.
dont mean to start a debate but most SDs happen within punching distance or twice that, so i dont think you will miss even with full house loads.
I really like the Hogue grips as well; I ordered off the Ruger on-line shop. Quick delivery, easy to install, and has the Ruger emblem.
Another vote for the Hogue replacement grips. I have them on my SP-101 and find them far more comfortable then the factory grips.

One other low cost "enhancement" to consider; Gemini Custom's "Small Wonder" fiber optic front sight blade. It makes the front sight far easier to see and is very simple to install. Look here:
maxpress, no debate here, I'm not worried about missing at those ranges either it just nice to keep things in a 4 inch circle or better versus a 1 foot circle with some fliers. With my GP 100 I can keep tigher groups where as my SP in new to me and I need the practice with the heavier loads.
Our local gun club has regular Bullseye matches where the only rule after safety is to have fun. :D

Folks bring all sorts of handguns to our matches --- from antiques to modern target pistols.

Mostly I shoot a 6" GP100, one handed, with wadcutters.

I tried shooting the 6" GP100 with both hands at a match last Spring ---- and shot a 100 in the slow fire string of their modified National Match Course. I was very pleased.

Just for fun, I used my 3" SP101 at a match last month. Using both hands, I shot a 97-5x in the Slow Fire string. I took that target home and hung it on the wall. :D

So "Yes," I have to agree that I can shoot tighter groups with my 6" GP100 than the 3" SP101 --- but the SP101 sure is fun to shoot. :wink: