New Model Vaquero

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Welcome! Someone else will chime in more knowledgeable but if you're asking about from the factory - I believe Ruger will not sell or fit a cylinder for a specific model than was not originally so chambered...even though there are virtually identical New Vaqueros that have been sold specifically as dual cylinder convertibles (special distributor only IIRC). Best bet - place a WTB in the Classifieds here. Indicate that it's for the midframe New Vaquero--and what finish.
Edit. These cylinders are going to be pretty scarce as folks with the dual cylinders usually procured those guns for a specific reason, just toi turn around and let go of the ACP cylinders--and not many of the midframe convertibles out there. You might have better luck finding and rechambering a NV .357 cylinder.
Davidson's did a special-Talo run (via of dual-cylinder New Vaqueros a couple of years ago, but I haven't looked lately.

Then again, the Davidson's building is pretty much next door to the Ruger Prescott facility.
Ruger won't do it if the serial number of your particular revolver wasn't offered with ACP cylinder by the factory, but Gary Reeder made one for my Montado and it's beautiful, a true work of art.