New MKIII initial cleaning...

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Jan 8, 2006
Benton City, WA
I just brought my new MKIII home and did it's initial cleaning. I was somewhat apprehensive about the disassembly are reassembly due to some of the horror stories I have heard. I started out by reading the instructions.....I know that is unmanly, but it seemed like the right thing to do.

Well the whole process went very smoothly with no issues at all. I wonder if reading the instructions should be part of any process like this? :lol:
Why is an initial cleaning necessary? The MarkIII manual does not mention any such requirement. I didn't clean mine and it has worked perfectly. What have I missed?
Read? Directions? Things come with instructions? Is there a manual for my wife or kids? I've be lost for ages. :)

Congrats on the purchase. Happy shooting!
Wobble":2wilzjac said:
Why is an initial cleaning necessary? The MarkIII manual does not mention any such requirement. I didn't clean mine and it has worked perfectly. What have I missed?

I don't think it's required, but I like to take 'em apart to clean before I shoot 'em. The MKIII was pretty clean to start with, but I also came home with an was loaded with oil.
I did the same thing with mine before I shot it only because I didn't have anything better to do... took me 45 minutes to get it back together.... I put probably 3000 rounds through it before I ever even considered taking it apart again... if more than one round in 50 jammed I would just spray some more break free in on the bolt. 2nd time it only took me 30 minutes to get it back together... 6 months or so ago I decided the 3rd time would be the charm... that time I figured out the secret... which is you have to on some of these push the damn internal hammer into the right position it won't fall to the right place no matter which way the barrel is pointed and how many times you re-insert the mag and cock it and pull the trigger..

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