New member with old habits

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Whisky Tahoe Foxtrot

Tempus Fugit ergo Carpe Diem
Aug 15, 2024
Portland, Oregon or Tucson, Arizona
Greetings Ruger fans! I'm joining this forum to share with and learn from Ruger fans.
Shot F-Class at my Oregon Gun Club for a few years then quit to spend time with more of my guns and haven't looked back.
Practical accuracy is more my thing now.

In the Pistol category, my 1st Ruger is Government Model MKII 6 7/8" barrel with Crimson Trace grips.
It has a great trigger but is a beast to break down. Probably my most accurate 22LR pistol.
I have the SR9 which had a troubled childhood. During breakin it would jam on non brass ammo.
After a few boxes it settled it. Hard to describe how it feels in the hand, I'll go with "comfortable" for now.

A Ruger Wrangler 22LR and a Super Redhawk 7.5" in 44mag make up the revolver category.

My first rifle was a Ruger Mark II 30-06 but we never bonded.
1.5 MOA was it's best and when Ruger said that was acceptable, I went and got a Sako TRGs
Sold the Ruger rifle to a gun club member who sends me deer pictures every time he fills a tag.
He loves the gun and we're both happy that he's happy :)

I have several 10/22s which are always fun along with 2 Rimfire RPRs, 17 HMR and 22Mag.
The RPRs both have the dreaded locking safety issue which is why I am signing up.
Looking forward to sharing some workarounds as well as picking up a few.
In a nut shell the safety is easy to operate in one direction but incredibly hard in the other.
Sometimes you think you are going to break the safety lever.

Have the 9mm PCC, want a 40SW version. Also just got the LC in 45acp.
Both are serious fun when shooting suppressed. I like when a pistol and carbine can share ammo.

Don't forget to vote this year. It is important. Even if you like in a perpetually blue state like California, Your vote increases the total by one.
As that number go up, people take notice.

Nov 30, 2008
Welcome aboard!



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