New member P95 question.....

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Sep 20, 2009
Hello folks. Great forum loadedwith a wealth of knowledgeable people and information. I have just purchased a Ruger P95, blue, non decocker model. I like the way the grip feels in my hand compared to the too big Beretta 92 I had sold. What can I expect from this gun as far as durability and reliability? Magazines I see are not cheap. Any leads to good mag deals? I keep reading about the USArmy procurring some 5K models for tank crews. Any truth in that and why? Sorry for all the questions. This is the place to learn about Rugers. Thank you.
You made a good choice, every once and a while someone picks up a P95 that has problems and it goes back to the factory... but over all they are good. I own three and am looking for a forth.

I don't think the cost of the mags are out of line for the gun... just watch and you'll be able to pick up a few extra over time for a good price.

I think what you saw was that 'we' bought a few thousand P95 for the Iraqi police a year or two back.

I do have to ask, what is a 'non-decock' model?

Oh, and welcome to the Ruger Forum!
"Safety only" blume, I believe.

I was under the impression that all the new P95's were decocker only (someone correct me). But, I do see Ricci didn't state new.

It would be good if someone in the armed forces could see through the brand haze and start procuring more P95's. I'll have to go searching for articles Ricci. Thanks for the heads up.
Forgive me, I should heve been more clear about the decocker....actually, safety. There is a version which decocks and the safety returns to ready position, like a Sig design. I purchased this pistol new for $325.00, seemed like a good deal for a Ruger 9mm w/ two 15 round mags. I have read so much good about the P series w/ aluminum lower and thought that the newer P95 should be as good or better. Thank you for your quick replies. Until I fire this new P95, I have no regrets ridding of the beretta 92. This P95 fits much better in my hand. I have a pretty good sized hand and still couldn'y get used to the beretta 92 grip.
It may be that the new P95's have done away with the "safety only" version, leaving us with a lever that decocks and then doubles as a safety.

CDNN and Midway both list the P95 mags at $29.99. Mec-gar's are a little less, but aren't stainless.

A deal will pop up at some point in time Ricci, as blume said. You may also get a deal when buying multiple mags.

Mid-South has a deal on nickel mags at $22.03 each if you need them right now. You may want to wait for a deal on the stainless though. ... 9MGRP8510N

I wouldn't pay top dollar for blued mags though.
The US Army did indeed supply a number of P95s to the Iraq Security Forces...

Ricci1165":dqirb65k said:
Forgive me, I should heve been more clear about the decocker....actually, safety. There is a version which decocks and the safety returns to ready position, like a Sig design.
The version that was discontinued was the "DC" in which the decocker dropped the hammer and automatically returned to ready condition. On the current "manual sefety" version, the safety acts as a decocker but remains in the safe position. While it's not a big deal, I still prefer the DC version (there are still a few out there NIB, but they are getting harder to find).
The September Midway flyer has the blued Mec-gar's for $19.99.

It interesting with the talk of Sig in this thread as I thought to myself some time ago that it seemed the P series was moving more and more in the direction of Sig.

Good luck with the new P95 Ricci. I think you got a a decent enough deal.
Thanks folks for all the good info. Im looking for 15 round Ruger mags or the Mec gar nickel 15 rounders....
Ricci1165":7ngvsu19 said:
Thanks folks for all the good info. Im looking for 15 round Ruger mags or the Mec gar nickel 15 rounders....

I purchased a P95 and KP93 (both used but like new condition) within a short period of time earlier this year. I commented about wanting to find a couple of 15 rd. mags for the KP93 on this forum since it only had one 10 rd. when I bought it. A very knowledgeable member of the forum PM'd me that he had some used ones in good condition that he would sell. I bought two and it was a very well handled transaction and the mags were in excellent condition. I would recommend that you place an add or topic "looking for mags" and see if he PM's you that he still has some available. I will not reveal his name since he initiated the contact with me for the sale, just in case he wants to remain anonymous. Good luck with the P95, but you won't need the luck. With rare exception, they will eat any ammo you feed them and go bang every time.
I would agreee about asking to buy mags as a WTB add. I found two sellers for 10 mags total and I am happy with the price.
For Mags for your P-95 check with this guy.I have dealt with him in the past great guy good prices and fast service.I dont know if he has ruger factory mags for your P 95 but he has Mec Gar 15 rounders for $20.95 each.His phone is under contact us on his webpage here it is
On the matter of the safety and the DC models of the P95. I think you will find that the "safety or manual safety" model are the same and what happens is when you put the "safety" on it will also "decock" the action. At this point you can not fire the gun no matter what. Upon taking the gun off "safety" you can fire it double action or you can cock it and fire it single action. On the "DC "gun the gun can be "decocked" but the gun is not on safe and the action can be fired double action or cocked and fired single action. The "safety" on the DC model is simply the long trigger pull after "decocking" to fire in double action like so many revolvers. With either type once the gun is fired the gun is cocked and ready to fire in single action mode.

I have the KP95PR safety model.