New 96/22M

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Old Judge Creek

Nov 1, 2001
1881 Ranch, Nv & Northern Ca
Tellya this: if I saw that rifle - especially at that price - I'd buy it in a heartbeat.

Frankly I detest the clunky stock on the 96/22 but, the action is slick and reliable and even better - the rifle is very accurate.

And I do have 22 mag rifles. I have a 10/22 magnum and a Taurus M72 22 magnum. The 96/22 is on my "get one" list.

And I had a 96 in 22 long rifle that I foolishly let get away from me. Again, the only thing I didn't like about it was the bulky stock.
I had one several years ago, didn't like it... sold it to a buddy, he still has it and loves it. Guess it was just me.
Very accurate, and easily the smoothest action out there. The stock is about the same dimentions as a 10/22. I wouldn't pass that deal up.
Thats the normal price, but given they are no longer in production I would get it.

.22 WMR is an excellent cartridge for prairie dogs, coyotes, and other small game that you don't want to eat, its also quite accurate.
ddd482":1nm5rba7 said:
i would buy it too- they don't make them anymore-

Somebody's getting them!! I think one of the major retail chains has continued to get these for the past three years, but don't know who it is yet. We just picked one up a few weeks ago...6,000 s/n's higher than Ruger's last mfg date on their website!!
I have the 96 in 17HMR and a 22WMR. Haven't had the time to shoot the 22, but the 17 is sweet. I see a 17 on GB going for 550.00
I have a 96/17HMR with a spare WMR, and the 17HMR I didn't like as it was too fussy, had to keep cleaning it to just sight in proper. Not so with WMR, so I only use WMR barrel. It makes a sweet woods and brush gun. Light weight compared to my long barreled Marlin 1894M that I do not carry in woods for fear of a scratch on a very $$$$$ rifle. Oh and the 96 is not as accurate as the '96 but even if it wasn't a hi $$$$ gun I would not use it in woods or brush because of weight and 22" (IIRC) barrel that gun would get mighty heavy after a couple hours walking up and down these Ozark hills. I like the little 96 for what it is light short 16" barreled gun you can carry through any thing and do it all day.

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