This is the Ruger forum so I will discuss my middle finger knuckle regarding the recently acquired 50th Anniversary .44 Magnum and the .44 Lipsey Special. I had planned to buy Pachmayr grips for these revolvers. Much to my surprise I learned that not only were they not being made but Pachmayr had no intention of making any for these grip frames. Same thing with Hogue's.
Even my .44 Lipsey with target loads bangs my knuckle and with increasingly heavier loads it just gets worse. If I grip with my little finger curled under the grip it is not too bad but I do NOT find that a natural hold.
Out of the blue, a good internet friend (WhatCheer), sent me a set of Pachmayr grips for the Colt SAA. He had tried them on his Ruger .44 Lipsey Special and told me that they fit rather well. He has small hands and they are too large for him (they have a filler behind the trigger guard and cover the back strap). I have large hands and these grips work perfectly and fit pretty dern well (not perfect, but decent).
My complaints are OVER! Unfortunately, Pachmayrs have discontinued these, also :x . What can I say??