Need proper sizing die

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Aug 4, 2007
I have a .44 Lee sizing die (Dillon 550B) that sizes my new Starline brass to 0.4275." And I'm looking for about 0.423"-0.424." How do I find one, any brand, that size without buying everything out there?
Thanks for any input.
Sounds like a 44-40 die. 44-40 being .427. I will check and let you know.I have a bunch of all :D
SBH4628":qu6ktcf3 said:
Sounds like a 44-40 die. 44-40 being .427. I will check and let you know.I have a bunch of all :D

Interesting point; I never considered it. Thanx.
Sonnytoo":xrcaxu2b said:
SBH4628":xrcaxu2b said:
Sounds like a 44-40 die. 44-40 being .427. I will check and let you know.I have a bunch of all :D

Interesting point; I never considered it. Thanx.
A 44-40 die will not size a 44 special or a 44 magnum,Some of my older 44 dies may get you down to the size you need :D Will let you know in the morning :D
SBH4628 Some of my older 44 dies may get you down to the size you need :D Will let you know in the morning :D[/quote said:
Thanks, I would appreciate that.
contender":2j6upb50 said:
Contact Dillon & explain it to them. I bet you get another die,,,!

They did ship me another sizing die, for my .45 LC when I had a similar problem. I still had to drop down to the smaller .45 ACP in order to get rid of the crimp-jump problem. Dillon told me that, originally, all their sizing dies were made to accommodate .454 slugs, and apparently they never got around to changing the sizing dies when the nominal diameter went to .452.
But these Lee dies came with my Redhawk. And most folks like their Lee dies, but my sizer isn't worth a hoot. IMHO
Sonnytoo":sanoiyaw said:
contender":sanoiyaw said:
Contact Dillon & explain it to them. I bet you get another die,,,!

They did ship me another sizing die, for my .45 LC when I had a similar problem. I still had to drop down to the smaller .45 ACP in order to get rid of the crimp-jump problem. Dillon told me that, originally, all their sizing dies were made to accommodate .454 slugs, and apparently they never got around to changing the sizing dies when the nominal diameter went to .452.
But these Lee dies came with my Redhawk. And most folks like their Lee dies, but my sizer isn't worth a hoot. IMHO
Well, at least it isn't just we .45 LC fans who run into die troubles! :roll: And yeah, a .44/40 die oughtta give you all the case tension you seek (if not "too" much).... :wink:

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