Need help with some Ruger guns

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May 8, 2009
I have a Ruger Single Six Factory Engraved with XR3 Stag grips and flat gate with Presentation Box(ser# 308xx)I talked to Ruger and they gave me a date of April 1956 and said it was an engraved model. I think there were 210 made of the gun but I would like to know how many would have the stag grips and the flat gate. I was going to put it in a auction that we are having but everyone is telling me to keep it because of being so rare.There's a picture on just type in 14462 at the AuctionZip Auctioneer ID#: box ,upper right hand corner and go to pictures.So i would like to know possable value and how rare is it thanks.

I have two more that I should check out also being I had no idea about the other one. So this one is a Ruger Single Six blued black rubber grips (ser# 299xx)Ruger gave a date of Nov.1955

The next is a Bear Cat (ser# F3xx)No Madallion on grips Brass looking trigger guard Ruger gave a date of Dec. 1958

Any info Value or history would be appreciated

Thanks Steve
What a bang up job for a first post. I'll bet you have quite a few people getting all excited about the guns, especially the engraved one. 8) The condition of the guns will be very important in coming up with a value.
If you could post some pictures that would be very helpfull or at least a more detailed discription of the condition. These will sell here on the forum pretty quickly and I would quess that you would be better off selling them here than on a auction. If the engraved gun is in mint condition I would hasard a quess of at least 6,000. or more. I am not sure but the stag grips were added after the gun was shipped. If they are Ruger factory staggs they are worth around 500.


(odd colored hammer is a reflection from light in the room)
I bet it looks like this. S/N 30830. The Flatgates were phased out in early March of 1957 so any Single-Sixes shipped prior to then will have the Flat loading gate. There were, roughly, 110 RSSE's shipped with the Flat loading gates. Many were made before March of '57 but weren't shipped until later and had the round loading gates "retrofitted" prior to shipping. It's also possible to find them "owner fitted" with Ruger's round gate or the Premier Weapons Company's round loading gate.

The values for the RSSE are definitely effected by the condition of the gun and it's box.

The 299XX s/n'd Single-Six should be a Flatgate. Here's s/n 32002. It's a Type III gun with a serrated ejector button but a "long slot" ejector housing which was also used on the early .357 Blackhawks.

The Bearcat with the "F" prefixed s/n is what is called a Alphabet Bearcat. They were made with all the letters of the Alphabet except "O". Here's an "L" marked example.

As with the RSSE, the RSS and BC4's values hinge on their condition.

Welcome to the Forum!

Steve, welcome to the Forum....I agree with the above, but as for an 'auction' gosh, for what they charge,BOTH parites (buyer as well as seller...) you could put a lot of that money in your pocket.. the gun will sell itself.....botrtom line is to find out if the stags are indeed "factory" issue ( most likely NOT shipped that way ,but could have been ordered by the original owner and had the dealer install some 'background' ( homework) and see what the RSSE's have sold for on any of the auction sites, add the value of the grips and go from there..if you have the case as well, and the grips are "genuine" you have a awesome package...........................last one we saw sell for over $6500...................not including the stags,gotta be MORE today.
the other flatgate, if nice shape and box, again,, they are over $700

I would want to "see" before I'd buy as there are too many that are now out there, redone, and not original for that kind of money,but the RSSE 's are not of that concern, as they were 'reblued" after engraving anyway,gotta look for anything "polished" out, believe it or not, we have seen some that were rode hard and put away wet (well worn...)they were bought back then to use..........
finally , the alphabet Bearcat ,if boxed is also around the $550 mark,possibly more if someone has the "consecutive number or needs one to fill in their collection...( same goes for that RSSE, if someone has the "consecutive" serial number, all bets and prices are "off".......... :roll:

all in all, you got some of the "best" there, and you will NOT have any trouble "moving" them............. :wink:
What a great post :lol: :lol: had to take my medication on this posting :? :? congragulations if all you said is correct & I have no dought it will make you happy & some ruger collector 8) 8) 8) 8)
nice looking gun by the picture..the stags are not factory, as they have no medallions..still, the grips are about $250 these days...the gun and box, like has been already said, based on condition and "need"..
yep, aftermarket, but some very nice looking 'bark' in them grips, hope both sides are as nice.......gosh, the "grip boys" sure could put a set of medallions in them grips, slick as snot on a door knob............
I do have the original wooden grips the box has no fade on the green the outside is very nice gun is perfect.Now the other two are very nice also but no boxes. I would like to put some pictures up but don't know how to do it
Hey if you are going to "auction" these guns I wouldn't do it with a "local" use one of the big ones like Gunbroker or Auction Arms......all the gun nuts search these places religously for guns such as will be happy with the results...they should do well even with the down turn factored in.....just make sure you let everyone know when and where you put them.....good luck, you certainly have some nice stuff.....see ya RR.
I just viewed the many varied pictures in the vast collection of items planned to be auctioned at the Springwood Farm next month. Aside from skill and reputation of the assigned auctioneer, is a question of accurate and fair market assessment on the more valuable items. As relates to the Ruger Forum (I'm no expert), I agree with recommendations to ensure rare items are accurately priced (with a reserve if prudent) or withdraw from auction and sold on forum(s) such as this to persons appreciative of the items and willing to pay a fair price for collector pieces. With so much to sell, haste makes ($$) waste...

steved":1bz3gf2q said:
I would like to put some pictures up but don't know how to do it

Go to Ruger Forum's Gallery section. There's a Thread in there that explains the process.

In a nutshell, you must store your images on a "host" computer, one that will assign a URL (internet address) to each individual image. Next, one simply uses the "Forum Code" to link the image to your post here on Ruger Forum.

is all that's required!

If your RSSE's serial number is consecutive to mine we need to talk, OK?


PS It would be best to "brighten up" your images, IMHO. This one is too dark...
Good point, as I said above, as to why I have to "see" the actual gun, is when a picture is that dark, or shadowed, or not being able to "see" the true gun finish, makes one wonder as to it being "original" or not...if too good, it just may be that....................
I go to the local auction places for some folks just to check out any firearms in "person" and make a better evaluation/judgement as to any "description by the auction house...."
but bottom line, from what we "see" so far, looks like some NICE stuff...sorry, I don't do auctions, bidding is NOT MY 'cup of tea'.......
Nice pictures , of some really nice those "fat" stags , can see the thicker material ,up front and towards the top of the grips, and they match pretty nice......Colt did that a lot, make it a bit smoother on the palm (swell) side and more bark , where the finger tips 'wrap around' the right panel is a bit 'thicker' also, than the left one.......nice.
You should put the 'original' walnut grips that the gun came with, and retake those pictures...the walnuts for the RSSE's are usually quite nice.
:shock:  :D Welcome Steve, I've taken my blood pressure pills and walked a couple laps around the room....I would like to bid on these items when you find a place to sell. Please keep us informed as to where and when. Like others have said, this aution site would get you to the hard core Ruger nuts (like I'm becoming). RB
Those are pretty nice pics!

FYI, s/n 30820 was shipped with your RSSE to the same place in Maryland.
So, find THAT gun and you have a buyer!


PS RugerBoi, "like I'm becoming", nosuh, you've got it BAD! :D
Thanks for all the help and support,this a great forum.I took some more pictures tried to get them brighter


Don't know why this one has a round gate




That's pretty interesting about the other gun being shipped to the same place and thanks again for all the help
Ah, that's not just a Round Gate, that's a Premier Weapons Co. gate.

This "pimp my ride" image shows a "Flatgate Single-Six" loaded up with a lot of the accessories of that era......


Close inspection will reveal a few "goodies".
