need help: which old Varquero is this?

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Nov 14, 2009
remote mts of eastern oregon
i'd like to know if there is a factory catalog number for this:

old-style Bisley Varquero Stainless 45LC with factory 4 5/8" barrel

i believe this model was originally available in 2006. please note that this is not the current New Model Varquero Bisley 5.5" KNVRB-455

thnx for any help/info you can provide.

and here's a photo of one:

KRBNV-44 model 0539. Standard production item as I recall. There were some cleanup ones done afer they were discontinued I believe, but not positive.

Also, it is a New Model by design too. Two pins not 3 screws. :) There's no "old model" Vaqueros. just the Vaquero and the New Vaquero. :)
thnx 45CM! great info. exactly what i wanted to know.

BH73: i do realize there are no "old" varqueros, just original large-frame varqueros.
i just figured that if i didn't make that distinction, it was too easy to look at that photo and think it was a NV.
seems we're not the only ones having problems with this old/new concept: ... quero.html
but you're point is taken. thnx.
It seems if folks would just leave the word "model" out of the discussion (regarding Vaqueros) completely, it'd make things easier. While just plain "Vaquero" is the proper technical term, as we get further removed from original/large-frame Vaquero production and they're no longer lining the shelves as before, time will come--and we're already seeng it in many stores' ads, including at my fave hangout where they're more than familiar with "proper" terms--when just plain Vaquero is used to describe a New Vaquero...And, if not obvious, you then have to ask "is that a New Vaquero or "old" there in the case? :) Everyone (well most) knows what people mean when they say "old" (no caps) Vaquero--as in original or large frame--all interchangeable terms...vs "New" (cap'd) Vaquero. Just leave "model" out of either large-frame or any "New Vaquero" discussion, and save the term "model" for discussion of/distinguishing between original era/yesteryear vs recent decade(s) Blackhawks.
that makes sense gak, so small "o" it is.

and sunday bill, i'm not sure what you're apologizing for, because i'm a happy camper. i got the info i was looking for, made new friends in the process and learned a thing or two. what can be better than that?

thanks everyone!!!