need help buying new Ruger American

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Aug 13, 2013

I am new to this forum, I am looking to purchase a new Ruger American .270 from a private seller. I have heard very good reviews about this rifle and I am looking for an inexpensive .270 bolt action rifle.

The bolt on the rifle appears to have an area with some "discoloration", in other words it is NOT bright and polished. I pasted an image below, the discolored area is marked in red. My question is the following, is this discoloration just normal or is it a sign that the rifle has in fact been used?

Thanks in advance for your comments

I also have an American in 30/06 and 308. Both bolts look about the same as the pic posted. The American is not made to be a showroom rifle but a less expensive well made accurate hunting rifle. It accomplishes all that very well, very well indeed. It is a 400 dollar rifle but if you want a highly polished rifle they are certainly out there and some well over the 800 dollar mark. All depends on what you are looking for in a rifle.
I would have to agree with soyarm. The american was built for in-field accuracy for the blue collar hunter. Its a rugged made rifle. No thrills, eye candy, or envy. Just get it out of the safe and hit the woods. If its the NIB you're worried about just have it bore scoped to check for copper..
OK, I feel a lot better after reading your replies. I just wanted to hear from owners if their bolt looks similar "out of the box" and from the replies I think I can say the answer is "yes". Thanks to all of you for replying and for being so polite with your replies.