My Ruger Ivory Stocks (Pictures Now Visible)

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Jan 14, 2003
Indiana, USA
Since there is a lot of interest in this topic, I have shown in the photographs below my ivory stocks. The first two pairs I believe are factory and I have shown the front and back sides with the numbers penciled on them. The last two photos are of stocks made by Nutmeg Sports (Jim Alaimo). The first pair was made in 2001 for a FT 44 Magnum and the second pair was made in 2006 for my factory engraved 50th Anniversary 44 Magnum.






The photo hosting site I am using does not forward photos if you are receiving emails. You have to log on to the site in order to see the photos. At least that is the way I think it works (but, I am no expert).

Hosting sites do not forward photos. They only provide a link so the photo will open here in the Ruger Forum when you use the proper link.

How would we log on to your hosting site when we don't even know what it is?

If you would tell us what hosting site you are using maybe someone could help you with the link.

It appears that the photos you stored on the Blue site cant be shown over here. I went to your albums over there and couldnt find the pictures so you must have them private. I would guess that they are only useable on that site. A question for Lee I guess.

Dan...Interesting term, the "blue site". I will redo this post and see if I can make the photos appear. It is probably because I marked the album private.


I didnt want to give away your storage site name in case you didnt want anyone else to know? I can see the one now

Dan...thanks. I will add the other photos. The problem was I had the album marked private on the S&W site because I didn't think the photos were necessarily appropriate posting on the rotating bulletin board.

I thought they were the same color as the background white of my screen. Din't think I would get to see'em. And, oh yea, thems is real nice.
Great pictures!!!!!

What I notice about the "non-factory" panels is that the screw escutcheons are further "back" than on the "factory" items . . . particularly on the smooth ones in the fifth picture.

I see this frequently on "non-factory" panels.

Cary seems to locate his the same as on "factory" panels.

Does it appear to anyone else that the medallions appear to be "standing proud" on the "factory" panels?

They look great Bill,


My experience with the photography equipment today they pull out all the small detail. My guess is the medallions are not proud the Camera just makes it look like it.

my .02

AZ Dan, you may very well be right about that. On my screen they look "proud" . . . particularly on the second set. This was not meant as a criticism, just an observation.

And my, they surely are pretty.


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