My Peach Cobbler

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Sep 26, 2006
Pocatello, Idaho
This first picture is what I use as a stove top. It's a disk blade and it shows the legs that are part of a conveyor chain from a potato harvester.

Here you can see it with the legs attached.

This is a homemade charcoal starter.

Poor boy lid lifting attachment.

I copied sixshot's idea of charcoal below and above the dutch oven. I also used sixshot's recipe along with his supervision.

As you can see, you can't ruin anything in a dutch oven!

This plate was for my wife. Her second bowl looked almost identical to this one! The bowl that sixshot had was also identical to this one. It didn't last a few hours before it was completely eliminated. (I would have taken a picture of sixshot eating his, but my camera doesn't have a wide angle lens) :lol:

I'm having trouble keeping up with everything sixshot wants me to do - shooting, casting bullets and now cooking?! That's what great friends are for.
I wonder if the badgers smell the cobbler and know it's ok to venture out...

damn I gotta try that recipe. I can almost smell it.
If you mess up and bring that disc to Texas, we could lay it on some coals and cook up a mess of fajita's with onions and some tortilla's. Add some cold beverages and anyone left standing could make dessert. :D

Callshots (cantshoot) first venture into the dutch oven world was a rousing success, I would have eaten more but its hard to swallow when someone has a choke hold on you! :wink: He did good with very little help from me, now its just practice, practice, practice........and share. :lol:

As an old farm boy, I appreciate your efforts to keep those old farm implements in use. Looks good, so did the cobbler. Thanks for sharing.

Y'all keep this up & I'm gonna become a neighbor to y'all. Of course,, I'll have to spend a lot of time hiking around that neighborhood to keep the weight down. So,, a bit of continual hunting should do the trick.
Callshot,,,, ya done good!
I just made another one. I have some fresh peaches that needed to be used. It rained for about 5 minutes. Just enough to frustrate me some. The cobbler turned out just the same as the other one, so I won't post any pictures. One of the neighbors came by to check things out. I gave him a bowl full with ice cream. He ate it and left $5.00 and a big thank you. His wife passed on a year ago, and he hadn't had anything like that for a long time. I guess that I am not an amateur any longer. I hate jumping to the professional level this soon. I really hate to pass Sixshot up at something that is his specialty, since I know that if he shoots at me, he will most likely do me in. I don't mind being dead, I just don't want him to have the last word and any bragging rights about shooting bears, badgers and ME.