My First Police Service-Six

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Blue Brick

Nov 3, 2006
I have a three day inspection period, what do you think? DOB 1980.





















Sweet! That brings back first "nice" gun I owned was a Security Six I bought from a guy at work in 1987. It was blued, 2-3/4" barrel, gorgeous gun almost new in the box. I'd love to find another one of those.
A well used stainless gun can be cleaned up pretty well, disguising how much use it's had. That doesn't look like the case here. Looking at the backstrap, at the forcing cone area, I don't see evidence of cutting, or fouling. I think you have a nice gun, here.

Do yourself a favor, though. Lose those Pachmayr's. :D Pach's make a Security/Service Six really nice to shoot, but if you look at them too long, they'll make you go blind!8) The original grip panels will give that gun a completely different, but pleasing, character.

That Service Six is a great gun.


BTW...My first center-fire Ruger was a also a fixed-sight Security Six, before they renamed them as Service Sixes.
I bought a blued one used about a year ago. I took it completely apart to clean it and it was pristine on the inside. Had one little blueing wear spot but had been fired very little. I love the thing. I bought a set of aftermarket wood grips on CDNN and they really feel good on it.
Very nice. I'd lose the Pac's though and go to factory grips. With the weight of your Ruger you will hardly notice the .38 except perhaps the report. Of course there are a lot of other grips that feel as good or better.
"Blue Brick"
Very Nice! Only about 25% or so were made up in .38spl. Not too many made up with the warning and without the scalloped recoil shield. I'd give Ruger records a call to see if it was shipped with the rubber grips. If it was, the model should be GF-84P and it would be "uncommon". One should just not assume the grips were after market. They may be but they may not be. Some of the early rubber grips did not have the medallion.
Terry T
What is a scalloped recoil shield? The grips have an original space formed out in order to see the serial number? I thought it might be original.
Blue Brick":1hp1iwaw said:
What is a scalloped recoil shield? The grips have an original space formed out in order to see the serial number? I thought it might be original. ... 09b31c708e

Click on the link, and you'll see a previous thread that shows the difference between the scalloped, and round, recoil shields.

Also, As far as your Pachmayr's having the relieved area to see the serial number...All Security Six Pachmayr's I've ever owned, both factory supplied, and after market, have this same cut-out for view of the s/n.

And, as Terry T has corrected us, and pointed out, some Security/Speed /Service Sixes did come from the factory with Pachmayr's. All of the factory supplied Pachmayr's I've ever seen, do have the Ruger emblem, but again, as Terry T pointed out, looks like they also came from Ruger without emblems, too. That's why I go to him with my DA questions.

Thanks for the confidence but it's so easy to just call Ruger and verify that there is no point in not. The ladies there are very nice and will follow up with a letter if you like. All free. If it did leave the factory with the rubber then it's uncommon. One of the other forum members pointed out that the very first shipments of rubber grips seem to have been in response to a police contract requirement. Later, Ruger ordered up some with their own medallions as an option.

The rubber grips with the medallions do show up on e-bay from time to time if one needs or wants them. Same with the original wood grips.

One just never says "never" about a Ruger. They've been put together in many unexpected ways. Some have even been altered by Ruger after manufacture to meet a contract.
Terry T
Terry T":1pvs50d5 said:
Thanks for the confidence but it's so easy to just call Ruger and verify that there is no point in not. The ladies there are very nice and will follow up with a letter if you like. All free. If it did leave the factory with the rubber then it's uncommon. One of the other forum members pointed out that the very first shipments of rubber grips seem to have been in response to a police contract requirement. Later, Ruger ordered up some with their own medallions as an option.

The rubber grips with the medallions do show up on e-bay from time to time if one needs or wants them. Same with the original wood grips.

One just never says "never" about a Ruger. They've been put together in many unexpected ways. Some have even been altered by Ruger after manufacture to meet a contract.
Terry T

Oh yes. There is no reason not to call Ruger. My point was, as full well as I know that the P-designated Sixes had Pachmayr's, I was not even thinking of factory-Pachmayr's, til you brought to my attention.
Per Ruger:

The information you requested for the above serial number is as follows:
Model: GF-84H
Shipped: October of 1980
I will be working on a letter for you; which will be sent to the address above
Now we know. GF-84H = Service Six, .38spl, 4 inch Heavy barrel. Was not shipped with the rubber grips. I suspect that the Heavy barrel .38s are not too common. It is the later barrel profile when sales had been dropping off as police agencies switched to autos.

You can find the wood grips on e-bay or for not too much.

Should be a sweet shooter! Will handle any +P loads you might like to try.

Terry T
I didn't know Ruger made different barrels sizes. I just received the instruction manuals in mail today and I will clean it and try and shoot it this weekend.
Finally got some ammunition, hopefully I can sneak away this weekend and test it out.
After almost 6 months later and I finally made time to go out to shoot my Police Service Six. It was a little low at 25 yards, but is right on target at 15 yards. The picture is 5 shots freehand standing upright from 15 yards away.

That is a nice old gun.

If you do decide to buy a pair of Ruger wood grips for it, be aware that not all single or service-6 grips will fit. I aint up on which serial number ranges require which grips, but I do know that there has been at least two grip-shape designs for the square-butt guns made over the years.
A call to the factory might clear that up for you.

Hope this helps.


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