most accurate .22lr for 22/45

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Feb 28, 2009

what is the most accurate .22lr ammo in your .22/45??? thanks for any input.

No one can tell you. Every .22 gun and ammo are a law unto themselves. YOU will have to test various ammos and see what YOUR gun likes.
Out of a hand held pistol, you honestly probably won't notice a difference, just find some ammo that feeds reliably, and hits the target you're shooting at.

The best ammo for reliability will be CCI. I've NEVER had good luck reliability wise with ANY of the bulk packed ammo. Way too many click no bangs with that junk.

As Snake said ... have fun figuring out what YOUR gun prefers.

My favorite 22lr Ammo for target shooting and even squirel hunting is CCI Standard velocity. It tends to be cleaner then many other brands and I find it to be as accurate as any other non-match ammo I have tried.

Now, I have and do use some of the Fedeal gold Metal match and Eley match ammo too but that is quite a bit more expensive and I goubt in a handgun you will gen enough extra accuracy that it is worth it. Out of my remington 541T-HB I can shoot under 1-inch groups (best was 0.7-inches) at 100-yards with some of that Eley ammo but I don't remember which. Squirels don't stand a prayer when I bring that gun/ammo combination out to play!