MKII target

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Jul 21, 2009
Norwalk, CT.
I bought one of these yesterday in stainless.
Once I got it home & started tinkering with it I noticed I could push the trigger pivot pin out with very little finger pressure. Is that normal or is something supposed to hold it in place better?
There is a piece of spring wire that runs under that pin & attaches down in the mag well & goes in a hole in the upper trigger group..
I don't think I've ever seen one missing but anything is possible..
I have had to tweak this spring before to get it to hold the trigger pivot pin fully tight..
Here is a link to a page that'll show you how to disassemble & reassemble your MKII..
Also here is a pic of the Inerds, The wire spring I speak of is in the Square KA04200
Note: There's a notch in the trigger pivot pin that this piece of spring wire fits into, I suppose it is possible to put the pin in backwards & then the spring wouldn't catch the slot in the pin..
Good Luck!!
Well, theres no spring in it. Easy enough fix, I already ordered one. Thank you for the help & especially the link.
Your Welcome!!
That link is a Blessing For Sure.
It Realy Helped Me when I was installing a Volquartzen Trigger in my MKII

I'd also bet you could get an E-Clip from a hardware store to substitute for the wire spring but removal of the clip would be tough..
Glad you got it figured out & parts ordered..
berettapistols":3rgwur3b said:
Your Welcome!!
That link is a Blessing For Sure.
It Realy Helped Me when I was installing a Volquartzen Trigger in my MKII

I'd also bet you could get an E-Clip from a hardware store to substitute for the wire spring but removal of the clip would be tough..
Glad you got it figured out & parts ordered..

I made a retainer spring for it last night from an old lever action mag coil spring. I'll swap in the real deal when it arrives but if I realized how simple a thing it was to make I probably wouldn'ta bothered getting one. But I needed mags anyway.

Did you get the sear too or just the trigger and did it make much difference?
I bought the KIT.. It incuded the sear, hammer, sear spring, extended slide stop lever + adjustable trigger & trigger spring & detent..
But if I had it to do again I would have just got the sear..
It breaks around 2+lbs & is as good as it can get IMO Realy Smooth & with minimal pre-travel & over-travel it feels great, Range Report Still Due
I already drilled & tapped my original trigger for pre-travel & it had the over-travel screw factory.. Note: In the pic I posted above the allen set screw the factory Target trigger has, only adjust able while it's removed but it's there factory..
I didn't use the extended slide stop lever as it was too huge for my needs & interfeared with my fancy rosewood grips too..

Sounds like you got the spring deal healed BTW..
Here's a pic of my MKII Target w/ Volquartzen Trigger Kit..
1986 Ruger MKII Target w/ Volquartzen Trigger KMK678T
Very nice looking grips!

Do you ever carry it in the woods? I'm wondering how the front sight and a holster will get along if I carry it squirrel hunting. I was thinking of filing it up square & reblueing it. I'll get a holster & see if it hangs up on me first though. Just looks like it'd want to grab on.
These grips came on this MKII when I picked it up @ a gunshow..
They are Eagle Grips made from Rosewood..
Here's a link to them for $69.95 ... -Thum.html

I just aquired this MKII a few weeks ago & haven't carried it in the woods yet.. I will more than likely put a set of Rubber finger groove Hogues on it for beating around & range use, The wood feel fine but I am used to the Rubber Hogues as that's what all my other MKIIs wore..
I may opt this time to go with the non thumbrest grips as there's a few Lefties that could take advantage of it with the ambi grips..
But I also recieved the factory Plastic slabs that could be used for the Lefties & rough use as well & cost me nothing..
A couple more range trips & I'll know what I'm going to do with it..

Did you ever get the parts for your MKII Yet??