MKII rear sight removal

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Mar 4, 2002
Western PA
OK, what's the trick to removing the rear adjustable sight from a MKII pistol? Removed the retaining screw, tried tapping on the sight to push it out from left to right, still no budge. Am I just being to carefull with the tapping? How hard a smack does it usually take?

yep, you hit it like a "wuss" son,,,,give it a "whack"...or get a BIGGER hammer........they do rust in place at times, so maybe a drop or two of 'Kroil' beforehand....then let 'er rip......( remember, the punch must be NON metallic in nature, nylon, brass, bronze, etc........) AND the gun itself, should be "firmly" seated in a "padded" bench vise, don;t try and lay it on your lap and pound away....... :roll:

Hope all is well Ray, ain't seen you in a while, you can stop by anytime, now you have an excuse........ :lol:
Put your purse down so it does not get in the way of the hammer.
Sounds like I need to pull on my big boy pants and try again!

Thanks Dan. Yep, all is well. Yes I know I haven't been over that way for quite a while. Next time I am at our Mentor office I'll stop in for a spell.

Finally got back to this project. Yep, needed a much firmer whack than what I was giving it. Put on a Weigand no D&T scope mount I bought off here. That adapter piece was a PIA to get in too. Had to file some off the sides to get it to fit in the dovetail. We're all set up now though. Just need to find time to get to the range to sight it in.


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