Mini -14 See Thru Optics Mount

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Nov 5, 2007
Can anyone recommend a decent optics mount that would allow me to use a red dot and iron sights on a 184 series Mini-14?
No, but first time putting a red dot on a Mini-14 and I'm looking for recommendations as to a good mount. So far the UTG mount looks good for a receiver mount but will it stay in place after a little blue loctite? I may go with a handguard mount but the ones I've seen that let you see the iron sights too get kind of pricey. Hoping the folks here could give some guidance.
Most mounts attach rails. You need rails designed for the M-14 that drop into the divots for Ruger scope rings. Warne, I think made mine.

The mount itself should also be made for the M-14 as most others are for ARs and mount the red dot way high to accomodate the carrying handle/sight that is not part of the Mni - 14 design.

I got a mouint made specifcally for my AIM Point red dot by the manufacturer. Works perfectly.

Good luck,