Majestic Speed Strip Kit

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Mar 15, 2008
Has anyone installed the Majestic Speed Strip Kit in their MKI, MKII, or MKIII pistol? If so, how hard is it to install?

Thank you for your help.
I've been contemplating installing this kit too. One of my rifle shooting buddies has done it with his Mark II and loves it.
I haven't but have looked into one of these..
It requires the hammer be changed to one they supply, I assume it gives clearance for the bolt type allen pin used..
I also thought that the allen bolt could be turned down & a piece of viton rubber slid over it creating a bolt buffer similar to the ones used in the 10/22
Never tried it YET..

It would require that the top pin be driven out of the mainspring housing & the new screw recepticle be pinned into it, No big deal with the right punch & a vise to hold it while driving it out, You could also use a board with a hole drilled in it to allow the pin to come out..

Thiokol it's me HEADKNOCKER from the S&W Forum..
Hello Buddy!!

Hi Gary. It's good to see that you're on this forum too.

I never bothered to get the Majestic kit as my 22/45 is a breeze to field strip and reassemble. I have an all stainless MKIII that was a bear until I field stripped and reassembled it a few times.


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