M77 Tang Safety 71-393XX, made in 1976

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Jun 2, 2009
According to the Ruger Tang Safety serial number page, my rifle was made in 1976. It does not have the 200th year barrel marking. Any Idea when in 1976 they started doing that? Most of the pictures I've found of 200th Year marked serial numbers are 72 prefixes. Haven't used it in years and was surprised it was a 1976 production number.
Your gun was made in 1975


Beginning Serial # Production year
So either there is a misprint on the website, or I can't read.

Ruger will tell you for certain for $10
If your gun was made in 76 it'd have the "200th Year" markings.
RENE is a more reliable resource than Ruger's own web site.

For example, I have a revolver with the "200th Year" markings. Ruger tells me in the letter that is does NOT; even though I'm holding it in my hands. The reason? Ruger records show it was shipped in early 1977. Clearly, the frame of the gun with the markings was made in 76 when they put that rollmark on ALL guns.
BTW ~ If your letter comes back stating it WAS made in 76 and there's no 200th rollmark, you've got an oddity; like my revolver mentioned above.

And RENE is well worth the cost; and it's owner is a member here Chet15.
Thanks for the comments, doesn't really matter to me. It is a rifle I used many years ago when we hunted in Northern Michigan. I have been hunting Lower MI since the 90's where the .30-06 was not allowed. Many straight wall options down here now. Used a couple 20ga slug guns for a long time, now I have a .350 Legend MSR and my 77/44 depending on the distance needed. It sure is a beautiful rifle though, I bought both my sons the same ones. I guess we need to plan a Northern hunt and all three of us bring our M77's before I get too much older.
Thanks for the comments, doesn't really matter to me. It is a rifle I used many years ago when we hunted in Northern Michigan. I have been hunting Lower MI since the 90's where the .30-06 was not allowed. Many straight wall options down here now.
30-06? 1975? Let me know if you ever decide to part with it!!