M77 stock

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Dec 12, 2009
Akron Oh.
I have a M77 308 WIN serial no. 71-54xxx. It has a heavy (BULL) barrel. The stock is broken in two at the trigger, glued back together. I would like to replace it. Does any one have one? The gun is in great shape if not for the stock.
I don't know the difference. The safty is behind bolt, activated by thumb, two position . I just got gun from my father. New to Rugers
That is a M77, several companies make replacement stocks and if you place a Want to buy ad here you might find one, or you can try on Gunbroker or Auction Arms.
Thanks, mattsbox99 . I posted here for one. The trouble is my dad had gun before me and had 2 stocks shipped that didn't fit. I what to get it wright this time. The gun was dropped it my have other issues.
It's a tang safety.

Have you called Ruger about getting it re-stocked? They will also ensure it is working properly at the same time.

There are usually some stocks on eBay, Gunbroker and the other sites. Because it is the heavy barrel, it will be a little bit harder to find a stock for.
With shipping $262.00 Has satin finish , Not high gloss like original . Brown butt pad instead of red.
Had to sand trigger guard hole small amount. Great fit other than that .