M77 question

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Jan 12, 2025
I have a m77 with a serial number 71- indicating it was shipped 1975...I think...it has a heavy barrel but has no caliber stamp...I have been told it's a 300wsm but I thought that round was developed commercially much more recently than 75...is there a way to determine caliber without a gunsmith?
Rugers web site will ( I think ) tell you the caliber as it left the factory. Seems if there's no markings on it somebody stuck a custom barrel on it.

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Have you had it out of the stock? I've seen caliber markings from gunsmiths that end up below the wood line.

If it was done professionally, it would be odd for it not to be marked for caliber.
Take it to a gunsmith, A chamber cast isn't going to cost all that much Do it and have him stamp the cartridge on the barrel Probably won't run you $50. That's cheap, especially if you regard your body parts.
Paul B.