greener":1mtco8un said:
Accuracy is something the shooter does, assisted by gun/ammo consistency.
I can't agree with the above statement. When you take 5 guns and bolt them into a ransom rest and shoot them all at the same distance with the same ammo, and 3 guns give 4 inch groups, and one gives a 2.5 inch group, and the last one gives a 1.5 inch group. The last gun is absolutely more ACCURATE than the other 4. That directly translates into accuracy IN YOUR HAND if you are confident in your shooting abilities. I shoot so many rounds each year that I am totally confident in my shooting abilities.
For example, I typically shoot at a distance of 50 feet. I am not that great a shot (others at my club are much better), but I can generally keep all 5 rounds of a group in a circle about as big as a billiard ball. Pretty much all day long, with EVERY SINGLE gun I own. I can go from a 4 inch Ruger GP100, to a 1911, to a CZ75, to a 7.5 inch SRH, to a Glock, and my groups pretty much never change unless I screw up (or get lucky LOL). Now if I get a gun that I CAN'T shoot into the same size group, there's an issue somewhere. It's either me, the gun I'm shooting, or the caliber or load that I'm shooting. Since I shoot consistently with almost any gun I shoot, including my friend's guns, I don't think it's me. I've owned guns that really sucked for accuracy ... a 9MM S&W 39-2, a 9MM Taurus 92F, a 9MM Ruger P89, a .40 Ruger P91, a .40 Beretta 96, and a .40 CZ 40B. All of those guns just flat out WOULD NOT SHOOT WELL. The issue was not me, it was not the caliber, IT WAS THE GUN. The P91 I had would shoot 8-10 inch groups at the same distance that I shot 2 3/4 inch groups with every other gun. I've NEVER had a revolver exhibit those kind of accuracy issues.
One thing you have to realize is that there are differing degrees of accuracy. If you as a person are capable of shooting a 3 inch group, and you have a gun that isn't capable of that level of accuracy, then YOU will not be able to shoot a 3 inch group WITH THAT GUN. On the other hand, if the gun is capable of 1 inch accuracy, that doesn't mean that YOU will be able to shoot 1 inch groups. A gun that may be OK for YOU, shooting 3 inch groups, may not be accurate enough for a person who's capable of shooting 1.5 inch groups.
Pistols, by virtue of all the sloppy moving parts, shorter barrels, shortened sight radiuses, hand held usage (non-rested), all result in very poor accuracy compared to long guns (rifles).
THere is DEFINITELY a difference in accuracy capabilities between various pistols, and brands of pistols. Far and away more than just gun/ammo 'consistency' as you refer to it.
Regarding Sigs, I've never seen a Sig that wasn't outstandingly accurate. I've also never seen a brand that was more consistantly accurate than Sig. CZ is close, but not at Sig levels. There's a reason that Sigs cost $800, and Rugers cost $400, and it isn't ALL because there's millions upon millions of 'Sig snobs' that are willing to pay double the cost of the Ruger for the same performance. You may not appreciate the brand, but there's millions of people who do see enough of a difference to plunk down nearly twice as much for a Sig. And they're not all doing it because they're 'Sig snobs'. I own two Sigs ... A P226 and and P225 (P6), but I bought them used for $400 and $250. Both are spectacularly accurate. Better than ANY other auto I own except for 1911's.