Lower Rear Blade Available for Old Model Single Six?

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Nov 14, 2008
I was sighting in an Old Model Single Six today, really trying to get it dialed in, and with the rear sight screwed all the way down it's still shooting 1" high.

Anyone know if lower/deeper "U" rear sight blades are available, either Ruger NOS or aftermarket?
Don't know about the sight but maybe try a different ammo. It might have a different point of impact that would fall within your current sights range.
Try a taller front sight. Your Super Single-Sixes front sight is "screw attached" and the sights from some of Ruger's .22 Auto pistols will fit.

I didn't know this but David Clements brought it to my attention. Ruger makes 2 different height rear sights, according to him the Hunter style Rugers have a taller rear sight. The SBH I dropped off to him last month had the taller rear sight that he said did not belong on that particular model. He told me it would be corrected when I picked it up. I have never read this anywhere so I thought it may be helpful on this post.
David can make you a taller front sight for your gun.
As Flatgate said, you can call Ruger (in az.) and tell them you need the tallest front sight off a MK11. Measure yours first.
Clements sights are GREAT. Eric