Looking for some help- value on 1959 Single Six 9 1/2”

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Yep. Bubba-Tech at its finest. I've got a trigger, cylinder latch and I think a base pin. I'll have to get a clean hammer and springs to complete the setup.

Ya know- it was a good day, going in for one and leaving with two. And the Vaquero wasn't without surprises either. The base pin did not want to come out. So I gently tapped it inwards and after a bit of finagling it came out. The tip was caked with what appeared to be dried grease. Same with the pawl slot and the gate hinge. A squirt of lube was al it took to free it all up- it was about the smoothest Vaquero I'd ever felt before, and after it's like butter. I'll fully disassemble it this afternoon or tomorrow and see how it does then. It's interesting- it looks like someone greased it up for storage and never shot it. There's no evidence of a ring at the front of the cylinder whatsoever. And the cylinder gap is the smallest I've ever seen..
We're so lucky here …. All the stores I frequent clean guns before they hit the shelf.
Not here. I bought a Mini14 last year and the crap that came out of the barrel…thank God it cleaned up nicely.

The Vaquero worked smoothly- just on disassembly did I find the dried grease.

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