Looking for some help- value on 1959 Single Six 9 1/2”

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Oct 20, 2022
I'm on a short overnite trip and stopped by the only gun shop in the area. Actually a pawn shop…well, there's a 1959 Single Six, 9 1/2", unconverted, about 98%. Serial starts 144xxx- I don't remember the rest. It has black plastic grips that look great. There is no box. They want $550 for it. I don't have my pocket price guide and my gut says it's a but on the high side.

What do you guys think? It's not something I was looking for…but it sure is nice.
I think it's a very good buy, especially where there is no shipping , tax , and or GB fee,,, and you got to see and hold it!

You didn't say, so I think ok to say it's not converted? If so just ask for the old parts.🙄
I think it's a very good buy, especially where there is no shipping , tax , and or GB fee,,, and you got to see and hold it!

You didn't say, so I think ok to say it's not converted? If so just ask for the old parts.🙄
No, it's not converted. And it does come with a leather holster - I didn't pay much attention to that.

Initially I was looking at a RSS5 that was priced at $329. 156xxx serial range- I was pretty excited until I saw all the bluing was missing off the recoil shield on the left side. Other than that it looked great. There was also a RSS6- I didn't look at it as it had quite a bit of wear. It was $299. No idea on serial range.

I paid $250 for this gem back in 2020,,,
The Holster is what made me really want the deal.
Floral carved, Brass Snaps ,,, and the patina… gun is good too.

Gun got cleaned, the bore was totally leaded, but everything cleaned up nice. Stainless Old Army Grip Frame & Super Trigger and some well matched Eagle checkered grips, she's a shooter & keeper.
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I think Old Model 9's are very underpriced at 98% guns and better. The long barrel takes a lot of abuse. There aren't that many variations in the Old Model, 9 major... but putting a set of those together is a definite challenge, especially with the 3 transition guns.
"I'm tempted to call tomorrow and offer $800 for both the RSS9 and the RSS5 as a package deal…"

Never hurts to try!

Indeed. Thirty years ago I did a deal like that and got a 9-1/2" Single -Six in about the same shape as the one shown here along with an essentially-unfired 4-5/8" Blackhawk in .41 Magnum . . . for considerably less than $800. Of course, that was thirty years ago. ;)
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