Looking for loads with Unique powder and Lee 430-310-RF?

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steve8261948":gank1hqq said:
To be used in a Redhawk. Both starting and top loads wanted.


Per Lee's 1st Ed. of "Modern Reloading," a 310 gr lead bullet can be loaded from 6.2 gr (start) to 7.2 gr (max) w/ Unique. Max is 965 fps at 34,800 psi.

As w/ any loading data you see on the Internet, please verify those figures w/ a reputable source before using them! www.alliantpowder.com is one of the good ones, 'specially since they make your powder!

Also, in checking Alliant's website, please note there IS a recall on several lots of Unique, so you can check your lot number against those listed and act accordingly.

Rick C
If you ever try to use this round in a Marlin 1894 lever gun be aware that it might jam the action trying to move from the magazine onto the lift ramp. Mine jams even though I keep the COL to spec. It does not jam in a friends Marlin. Go figure! Just try only one in the magazine the first time before loading the whole thing.
COR":1r5qn5km said:
With a Ruger you can safely load up to 10grs of Unique under a 310gr GC (1050fps out of my 5.5"SBH). Here's a reference and a great article:


Some things to remember BEFORE using any info from Taffin:

1. He's a gun rag writer.

2. He's a gun rag writer.

3. He's a gun rag writer.

Use his info at your own risk. But before doing so, be sure to contact him and ask him for the pressure data on his loads and documention from the lab that supplied it. "Elmer's load" w/ the 22.0 gr of 2400 has been "downsized" by Alliant for years. Alliant gives us 7.2 gr for the 310 gr bullet at almost current max SAAMI pressure, yet Taffin says you can go almost 40% over? Safely?

Many loads have been downsized for the .44 Mag over the years, just as they have for the .357 Mag. One of the reasons is that while shooting a few of the "originals" won't blow up your gun right away, a steady diet of them over a period of time may well shake SOME guns to pieces.

I'm not gonna get in a piddling for distance contest w/ anyone on some of this "It's safe to shoot in a Ruger" stuff, just suggesting you use appropriate caution before trying it.

And, if you want "boomer" loads, pick an appropriate powder... If I could use only one powder for all my handgun loads, it would probably be Unique. But, since I have a choice of several powders, I find others are better once one goes past "mid-range."

For MYSELF, Taffin, Keith and Skelton are all good reading, but I don't use their loading data. I have to buy my own guns, so I don't work 'em as hard as some of the guys who have someone send 'em a couple every month to "try out." Call me overly cautious if you wish. I keep a piece of "torn steel" in the closet from when I used to "believe" some sources I don't today to remind me why I'm that way.

Rick C
You sound down on some of my heros? As far as Elmer's .44 load, Aliant powder is different than Hercules powder? Loads in general haven't change as far as the pressure goes, the powders have changed over the years.
Maybe if you'ld of adhered to the rule of dropping back 10% behind max and worked up you'ld of had better luck? And never, I mean never go over max. Common sence plays heavily in my reloading.
Thanks for trying to help but, I'm not the novice you assume I am?
steve8261948":1gdmqvyi said:
Thanks for trying to help but, I'm not the novice you assume I am?


Please read my posts again. No assumptions have been made on my part, though I DO have my suspicions about some people, including gun rag writers who advocate loads way past what the mfrs of the loading components suggest...

If that steps on the toes of anyone's heroes, so be it.

Of course, I could be wrong. I've only been handloading approx 42 yrs, and only loaded approx a quarter million rounds in that time. Both figures are quite short of the experience levels of MANY of the folks here, so I'm still learning. One thing I have learned, though, is that some sources are credible, some aren't quite so... and, yes, things DO change!

Rick C
Taffins reloading data for Rugers has proved out very wel for me. I consider him one of the FEW writers who really reloads as much as he says he does. But the I liked Elmer too.
I don't have a problem with any of the magazine writers? I just take their scribe in the proper context and try to read between the lines before using any of their data?
That load is safe in your Redhawk. I don't disagree with Rick's info one bit. His cautious approach is wise. I would start slow and work up. Watch for signs of pressure. These are loads I shoot regularly and they shoot well. Good shootin'

COR":2ojtgf0d said:
That load is safe in your Redhawk

Hi, Curt

Do you have any pressure figures on that load?

Reason I ask is NOT to be argumentative, but to see how far over "current" SAAMI pressures it runs. As we know, both .357 Mag and .44 Mag limits HAVE been downsized since each cartridge was developed. I'm curious whether this load still remains within the original specs, or it's like some of the "hot" .45 Colt loads: ok in a Ruger (or, since we have New Vaqueros, in SOME Rugers?), don't try 'em in some other guns?

Rick C
I don't have any pressure figures but I have shot the load many hundreds of times and even on hot days the cases don't stick, the primers look god, etc... I use this load in my SBH mostly. It is an easy shooting load that shoots good in all my .44's. As far as for Colts or New Vaqueros I can't say but I wouldn't use those platforms for a 300gr anything. He said Redhawk and it will eat that load all day.
COR said:
With a Ruger you can safely load up to 10grs of Unique under a 310gr GC (1050fps out of my 5.5"SBH). Here's a reference and a great article:


Sorry for dragging up an old thread, but just for the fun of it I fed this load into the QuickLoad software.

With a 310gn Lee bullet with 10gn Unique and COL of 1.610 (per SAAMI specification) this load has a simulated pressure of 35734 PSI and a velocity of 1053 FPS out of a 5.5" barrel. I would say that the user "COR" is pretty spot on in what he says.

The SAAMI max pressure for the .44 Remington Magnum is 36000 PSI, so there's not much of a margin, but the Rugers can take those loads all day long.
That interesting Whistler, thanks for that info. No one really has pressure testing equipment (unless in the business) so I take all the conservative speculation with a grain of salt and I cannot fault anyone for doing so. I just have better things to fret over.

If John Taffin says it's a good load, I believe him. He doesn't do this becaue of money...Unlike some writers he does this as a labor of love and this is his passion, he wouldn't let something as trivial as a 44mag load ruin his reputation. He is one of those writers we will be talking about for a long time and is already mentioned in the company of Keith, Skelton, etc. One caveat I will mention is that some of Mr. Paco Kelly's loads are kinda "warm", they need looked at carefully and should only be approached with caution, my 32/20 loves his loads he recommends, they are warm.

BTW Whistler....Welcome to the Ruger Forum!