COR":1r5qn5km said:
With a Ruger you can safely load up to 10grs of Unique under a 310gr GC (1050fps out of my 5.5"SBH). Here's a reference and a great article:
Some things to remember BEFORE using any info from Taffin:
1. He's a gun rag writer.
2. He's a gun rag writer.
3. He's a gun rag writer.
Use his info at your own risk. But before doing so, be sure to contact him and ask him for the pressure data on his loads and documention from the lab that supplied it. "Elmer's load" w/ the 22.0 gr of 2400 has been "downsized" by Alliant for years. Alliant gives us 7.2 gr for the 310 gr bullet at almost current max SAAMI pressure, yet Taffin says you can go almost 40% over? Safely?
Many loads have been downsized for the .44 Mag over the years, just as they have for the .357 Mag. One of the reasons is that while shooting a few of the "originals" won't blow up your gun right away, a steady diet of them over a period of time may well shake SOME guns to pieces.
I'm not gonna get in a piddling for distance contest w/ anyone on some of this "It's safe to shoot in a Ruger" stuff, just suggesting you use appropriate caution before trying it.
And, if you want "boomer" loads, pick an appropriate powder... If I could use only one powder for all my handgun loads, it would probably be Unique. But, since I have a choice of several powders, I find others are better once one goes past "mid-range."
For MYSELF, Taffin, Keith and Skelton are all good reading, but I don't use their loading data. I have to buy my own guns, so I don't work 'em as hard as some of the guys who have someone send 'em a couple every month to "try out." Call me overly cautious if you wish. I keep a piece of "torn steel" in the closet from when I used to "believe" some sources I don't today to remind me why I'm that way.
Rick C