Always a great event but haven't been in years. Hopefully you were able to skirt your way around the big ugly city and time your pass through to miss the traffic. On a business trip this past week I pulled into the hotel parking lot next to some folks from North Dakota traveling to see the ocean. We started chatting and I was asked about a waterfall. I gave them all the info they needed to check out Multnomah falls right along the way, then the visitor center and Bonneville dam. If you haven't made stops at the visitor center before and even if you have, it is worth taking the time. Besides seeing some giant sturgeon and trout, salmon are on the move and the viewing windows on the fish ladders should be packed full. Also if you didn't know about them, there are lots of big horn sheep along I-84. Start looking at The Dalles but most are seen after you cross the John Day River. From about mile post 120 to 130 you should be able to spot some fairly easily. Scan the hill side out ahead of you and look from highway level clear up to the top. I have seen as many as 9 groups on some days and none on other days. Pretty neat to check out but it always seems to be no place to pull over. I have seen them right at both Phillippi canyon and Blaylock canyon off ramps. If you have binos it might be worth taking those exits and having a look around. Both are easy off and back on exits.