Light primer hits, SRH .454

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Aug 4, 2007
My shooting bud has this new gun, SRH .454. Got 2 light strikes out of eight cartridges.
Wondering whether this situation calls for softer cup primer brand or longer firing pin (Bowen, Ron Power, Brownells) or ?

I have picked up this info on primers, but DO NOT know how true it is. "CCI are the hardest primers. The next are Remington followed by Winchester with Federal being the lightest."

He is using CCI small rifle primers, well seated in pocket.

He wants to carry this gun in Alaska next spring, so he is "concerned."

Thanks for your help in advance.

Before I'd point to a "soft or hard" primer issue,, I'd check the gun. Is the firing pin channel clean & no burrs? A spray clenaing using brake or carb cleaner in the firing pin hole etc can flush out gunk that could be in there causing the problem.
Next,, take the gun & dry fire it, and hold the trigger to the rear & inspect the amount of protrusion of the firing pin into the frame window. A damaged or short pin can be seen.
Was he using reloads? High primers may not fire the first time as the force of the firing pin pushes them into the seated position. You mentioned well seated primers. But is he sure?
Just a few thoughts of mine.
Is it all factory original? I replaced the main spring in mine to a reduced power spring. It made a very light double action trigger pull. I got a few light strikes with that set up and went back to the factory spring. I've never had a light strike with the factory spring. I hope he gets it figured out, misfires can really ruin a man's confidence.
I agree with the above posts and will add my nickle's worth....

Springs & Alaska......

Stronger is better. NONE of my "woods carry" revolvers have "non-original" springs except the ones fitted with Ruger's Old Army mainsprings or a Wolf 26# version. (Ruger S.A.'s, of course. The F-A revolvers have quite serviceable springs right from the Factory.)

I also have a super redhawk in 454 doing the same thing. what is strange when i shoot 45 colts i haven't had any promblems. just with the 454 casulls. any idea's? the same 454s shoot fine out of my smith. hope to get a answer. thanks kevin

I bet you are on to something. If the transfer bar notch on that SRH's hammer is "too deep" then the possibility of "short" travel would increase.

Reducing the thickness of the upper most hammer "flat" would increase the amount of travel, eh?

The reason the 45 colt ammo is working fine but the 454 ammo is not igniting all the time is probably because of the type of primers, the 45 colt is loaded with pistol primers which use a thinner metal in the cup, so it dosen't require as hard a strike to ignite, where the 454 casull ammo uses rifle primers which use thicker metal in the cup's to safely handel higher pressures and not blow, but require a harder strike to ignite.just one possibility. the hammer notch mentioned above is another good thing to check that I have had trouble with in the past with transfer bar system's!!

I had a problem with my 454 SRH when I first got it, I was using cci magnum small rifle primers, the cci's use a harder metal cup than most primer manufacturers and am told the magnum's use thicker metal than standard? so I went to winchester standard small rifle primers and have never had another problem, the winchester primers use a softer metal cup. not only that but am shooting six shot group's that average 1 3/8" @ 50 yards!! with 340 grain hot loaded lead boolits! a fantastic hunting load!!

If you are having accuracy problems with a SRH in 454 it could be from inconsistant ignition from your primers!! They might all be firing but some could be hesatant, it only takes millasecond's to make a big difference in accuracy! If one primer ignites before the hammer has bottomed out on the frame and one barely ignites when the hammer has stopped against the frame at the end of its stroke, this can be dissastruss to accuracy!

sorry so long winded but I hope this helps some with issue's they may not be aware of due to your firing system. [/code]

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