Let's talk about 10/22 barrels...

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Aug 22, 2008
martinsburg, wv
I now have enough parts to put together another 10/22, but I still need a barrel.

I want a .920 barrel, and I would prefer one threaded in 16".

My questions are:

1.What is the best barrel length for .22LR accuracy??
2.Am I going to significantly sacrifice any accuracy with a 16" barrel??
3.What would the best twist rate be for standard target ammo (wolf match)??
4.Any recommendations for a particular brand??
wbw2":17sz0ye1 said:
I now have enough parts to put together another 10/22, but I still need a barrel.

I want a .920 barrel, and I would prefer one threaded in 16".

My questions are:

1.What is the best barrel length for .22LR accuracy??
2.Am I going to significantly sacrifice any accuracy with a 16" barrel??
3.What would the best twist rate be for standard target ammo (wolf match)??
4.Any recommendations for a particular brand??
1. Other factors, such as chamber, muzzle, and overall quality, are more important to .22 accuracy than length.
2. Probably not.
3. 1:16
4. No
Look at what's available for bbls...notice the common length on the vast majority of them? 16 - 18" is the norm. Maybe a reason for that... ;) Have a few builds with 16" bbls and all are verrry accurate. I prefer Whistle Pig but for a threaded one, maybe Tactical Solutions. Check on RFC and see what's preferred.
The only thing a longer barrel will give you in 22lr is an easier sight picture when using iron sights....

Most .920 barrels don't come with a front sight and so this is not an issue... and most folks that put a .920 target barrel on a 10/22 are going to use optics any way...

I like a 16' barrel on the 10/22 and think that 18" is probably the limit you need... actually I think in the book "The Ultimate 10/22" the author recomends 10-16"... but as you know, anything less than 16" is going to cost you $200+ in government tax stamps and such.

Green Mountain and Adams and Bennett are the two I have and they seem to shoot pretty dern good.. I think better than me... but and this is a big BUTT....

you need to work though different ammo with target barrels to find what the rifle likes... seriously there will probably be one brand and type (weight) that the rifle/barrel really shoots well.
blume357":1hruhwcf said:
you need to work though different ammo with target barrels to find what the rifle likes... seriously there will probably be one brand and type (weight) that the rifle/barrel really shoots well.

I tired of doing that 10+ years ago. What I did do was to take every .22 rifle I own and shoot a box of every type of ammo I could get my hands on, and then I averaged the results. Of all the ammo, wolf match was the hands down winner. It shot better in just about all of my rifles. Now I only buy the wolf match.
blume357":29qviazn said:
Green Mountain and Adams and Bennett are the two I have and they seem to shoot pretty dern good.. I think better than me... but and this is a big BUTT....

you need to work though different ammo with target barrels to find what the rifle likes... seriously there will probably be one brand and type (weight) that the rifle/barrel really shoots well.

I believe GM makes the A&B barrels so they should shoot just as good. :) I have GM but still prefer Whistle Pig.
Also a BIG agreement with trying diff ammo. Just because you want to use Wolf doesn't mean the bbl will choose that as a favorite. I have one that loves the Wolf but another that prefers regular ole Federal Bulk. Another likes Green Tag, another Stingers, etc… each is different.
blume357":8x9g4zo3 said:
The only thing a longer barrel will give you in 22lr is an easier sight picture when using iron sights....
And quieter report. :wink:
wbw2":p39b1tai said:
blume357":p39b1tai said:
you need to work though different ammo with target barrels to find what the rifle likes... seriously there will probably be one brand and type (weight) that the rifle/barrel really shoots well.

I tired of doing that 10+ years ago. What I did do was to take every .22 rifle I own and shoot a box of every type of ammo I could get my hands on, and then I averaged the results. Of all the ammo, wolf match was the hands down winner. It shot better in just about all of my rifles. Now I only buy the wolf match.
Sounds like you're going for maximum accuracy with this build. Why would you NOT test ammo to see what its favorite is? :?
Snake45":cc1ye02l said:
wbw2":cc1ye02l said:
blume357":cc1ye02l said:
you need to work though different ammo with target barrels to find what the rifle likes... seriously there will probably be one brand and type (weight) that the rifle/barrel really shoots well.

I tired of doing that 10+ years ago. What I did do was to take every .22 rifle I own and shoot a box of every type of ammo I could get my hands on, and then I averaged the results. Of all the ammo, wolf match was the hands down winner. It shot better in just about all of my rifles. Now I only buy the wolf match.
Sounds like you're going for maximum accuracy with this build. Why would you NOT test ammo to see what its favorite is? :?

OK, nevermind. I only wanted to discuss barrel length, twist rate and manufacturers. Why this thread has become about ammo selection I will never know. I am not going for maximum accuracy, I have more than a few other .22 rifles dedicated to just that purpose.
My questions are:

1.What is the best barrel length for .22LR accuracy??
There is no single bl for accuracy (you asked about accuracy). Studies have shown 90%+ powder-burn is completed within 16.5 inches of the chamber. That is roughly 17" of barrel. After 18", the bullet as no additional "push" from expanding gases. The concept of "slowing" after gas expansion is nebulous and inconsequential outside a laboratory.

2.Am I going to significantly sacrifice any accuracy with a 16" barrel??
Accuracy - No, not intrinsic accuracy. However realized field accuracy (more importantly repeatable accuracy) is dependent on acuity of the target via optics or iron sight quality/proper use. This is where sight radius comes into discussion. But best accuracy always comes with better optics, unless you have a teenager's vision?

3.What would the best twist rate be for standard target ammo (wolf match)??
The difference in twist rate is relative to bullet material, hardness, weight and diameter (depth of engraving) and velocity. Let's leave that to the engineers, I doubt anyone could prove it makes a diff in 22RF, but maybe Olympic-class rifles have it best?

4.Any recommendations for a particular brand??
Belly buttons. (everyone has an opinion). The proof is on the paper.

comment - Wolf may be good, Eley has the proven history. But in these times, why not stick to American-made products? We have neighbors who need paychecks right here in the USA!

wbw2":3ayo8jvs said:
I am not going for maximum accuracy....
Your questions sure made it sound like you were. Sorry for trying to answer them.
mohavesam":3k94fohd said:
comment - Wolf may be good, Eley has the proven history. But in these times, why not stick to American-made products? We have neighbors who need paychecks right here in the USA!

If those products were better, yes, but when they're not...Not going to buy domestic if it's not what works best, or isn't of a higher quality. If I'm going to spend MY money, I'll buy what I feel is the better product regardless of it's origin.
i would suggest a KIDD barrel to you personally, i love the chamber that they use. after all its the chamber that makes the factory barrel inaccurate. here is a really good piece on the Chamber Dimensions. and a quick picture of the accuracy im getting with my KIDD barrel. Wolf Match on the left and Eley Match on the right. 5 shot group at 50 yards.

twist rate is going to be dependent upon a lot of things, but the thing that is easiest to control is going to be the grain weight of your bullet. there is a fairly simple formula that you can do that will tell you the best twist rate for your intended load. and of course you also need to decide on your desired spin rate. that formula is the second one.



one of the most important things to do to your rifle is a proper bedding job. find some info on that here.
BlkHawk73":3bphwofi said:
mohavesam":3bphwofi said:
comment - Wolf may be good, Eley has the proven history. But in these times, why not stick to American-made products? We have neighbors who need paychecks right here in the USA!

If those products were better, yes, but when they're not...Not going to buy domestic if it's not what works best, or isn't of a higher quality. If I'm going to spend MY money, I'll buy what I feel is the better product regardless of it's origin.

Thanks. Slave-labor pre-teens appreciate your support too!
mohavesam":2z7i8m8z said:
Thanks. Slave-labor pre-teens appreciate your support too!
To paraphrase Josie Wales, "The slave-labor pre-teen's gotta eat, same as the American union boss." :wink:

Seriously, though, are you aware of any .22LR ammo available in this country that's made by "slave labor pre-teens"? Reference?
mohavesam":246yrh8h said:
Thanks. Slave-labor pre-teens appreciate your support too!

You and they are very welcome. Perhaps some union folks could help supplement the lost income. :wink: Oh wait, they're why the job GO overseas. :lol:
Anyways, are you suggesting I should a product just because it's domestic regardless of it's quality? :roll: Thank you...nooo I like quality over quantity and quality over origin. If the workers of this country worked for what they were worth, dependant on their skills and actaully cared about the final product perhaps jobs would stay here and quality would increase. Until then...

I digress and bring this thread WAY off course - apologies.

Yup, Kidd is fantastic but have heard that the Lilja bbls are a bit better. Of course you pay for that higher quality also. (hey look, they're made here too :) ) Bottom line is the buyer has to decide how much the performance is worth to them. :)
Wow, talk about off topic!

I have lots of 10/22s and 77/22s. I like the 24" barrel best, although 20" is a nice length, especially in a .750 - .920 Lilja. My target 10/22 has a 20" .920 Lilja, I haven't used any other brands.
Has anyone ever seen a side-by-side comparison of some of the aftermarket barrels? Maybe using the same receiver/fire control, ammo & optics, etc. to give an accurate apples-to-apples comparison?

I have not. But I'd give it a good read before counting out a couple hundred bucks for one.
I rebuilt my 10/22 carbine a few years ago, used an 18" Green Mtn .920" barrel, free floated except for a small bedding pad right in front of the reciever, some aftermarket trigger parts and a Boyds laminated stock. I also bedded the reciever. Topped it with a 4x12 Bushnell. The rifle shot around an inch @ 50 yds in stock configuration, which was pretty good IMO, but now will shoot Wolf M/T under 1/2" @ 50 yds all day long. It'll take squirrels at 125 yds shooting Velocitors. By buying a "second" barrel (had a scratch in the finish), and getting the stock on sale, I have about $100 in the rifle...FWIW, Dennis (And it STAYS sighted in, something I had problems with stock)
I used to work with a fellow who was a SERIOUS .22 benchrester. As in, he had a rifle rest that cost more than any three of my rifles put together. :shock: He would spend whatever the "best" .22 ammo cost, and didn't care where it was made, only that he could get enough of it.

He was quite emphatic about his preference for Lija barrels.