Lets have some fun: Switchblade or Brass knuckles?

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Patriotic jack and tine dagger. I watched them get made!
The thing with impact weapons is they rely on the power behind them. 30-40 years ago at 6'5" and about 280 in decent shape I didn't have much to worry about. Even at this point I carry 350 rather formidably. I was getting a little ponderous around 400 but hitting the gym and watching the carbs has me down 50 with probably another hundred to go. That said with rods from my pelvis to L3 for 20 years replaced knee and reconstructed right shoulder the thought of going hands on is not nearly as fun as it used to be. 4 years ago I was still managing to hold my own pretty good but it is getting harder and harder every year. Now my preferred version of Hands On is pepper spray in one hand and an ASP baton in the other. I'm sure one of these days I'll get overrun and I don't look forward to that. With Trump returning I'm waiting to see what Antifa and the Bolshevik Terrorists bring.
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I have 1 brass knucks hanging on the pegboard in my garage and a stainless steel one in a drawer somewhere. Probably in the same drawer that the OTF knife (Microtech) is in. Curiosity or novelty purchases as I don't carry any of them. A handgun and a Spyderco Endura with full Spyderedge has been my go to for decades. But isn't it nice for us all to have choices?
Ever hear the old saying about bringing a knife to a gunfight? I am pretty sure that a set of brass knuckles would fall in the same category. I'm pretty sure producing those weapons would put you in line to getting shot.
I prefer not to put myself in situations where I can get shot, stabbed or thumped. If you look for trouble you will find someone more than willing to help you out.
Years ago switchblades were popular with the wannabe thug youth. It seemed to be a fad. We found a ton of them on weapons checks after apprehensions. These were mostly cheap versions, many not functioning as they should. Lots of the thugs couldn't even explain how to use them. Mouthy punks had them for show. The older thugs would at times have knuckles, but rarely. Both when found looked like the cheap stuff you could buy in TJ. Now, some of the more established subjects, for example affiliated with MS13, they had very functional switchblades, well maintained and customized. You had to be careful with those types. Quiet and fast. Same with some of the day laborers that would hang around parking lots. If they were not picked up for work by 0800 they tended to get drunk and rowdy. They could be very unpredictable during apprehension, and often had nice switchblades. So, awhile back in my experiences switchblades of various quality were more popular than knuckles.

The one thing you could find on most though were throwaway pocket guns. It was a fad at one point to have Ravens, Brycos, Jennings, etc....with the grips taken off and wrapped with rubber. It wasn't uncommon to respond to an apprehension where bicycle inner tubes were stolen and the subjects provided admission to cutting them up in strips to sell to the gang bangers.
It was her B-Day, so I got her a pair of handcuffs. What was even funnier, she later told me, her boyfriend found them in their bedroom and came out, holding them with only thumb and forefinger and asked, "WHAT ARE THESE?"


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The old saying, "never carry a knife to a gunfight" is a good one.
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