Let's have some fun; .9mm vs .357

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I have both and think that the shorter the barrel the more the comparison favors the 9.

I favor the 357 as a hunting companion while my bedroom gun is a full size 5" M&P
loaded with Hornady 124gr +P.

My concealed carry is a 642 loaded with some Remington 158 SWCHP + P's.
Post #234 is pure assumption and personal opinion, if not biased ignorance. Pretty sure from the wording there is no first hand experience. Just pure projection of a wannabe masculine type who lives through print and text.
I kinda wish you had quoted that post, because it no longer exists....
Gee,, I started this thread a year ago,, and after I thought it had gone to bed,, it got revived.

Relax guys,, it was set up as a FUN discussion & let's not get upset at one another over it. We all have our own opinions & thoughts.

You really did not think that caliber debates would ever die off did you? Long Live the Caliber Debates! Other wise it might could get boring.
Was doing my best to keep his mouth shut (or fingers still?) in my reply.....I'm guessing it was deleted by mods, for good reason, who are incredibly tolerant of some of the newer nut cases that have come aboard recently.
I guess this means you don't love me anymore?

Anywho a little word of advise - I think you would succeed far better if you learned to refrain yourself instead, as opposed to trying to get me too.
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I was thrown off Aarfcom for posting that 5.56 existed so they could let Women and G@ys into the military. Somehow my Dad and a bunch of other Depression Stunted 130lb MEN humped 30 cals around the World!!!
You ever in the military? Sorry to say in 1973 I probably would have done more than through off somewhere. Probably a can of whoopass on you. 2 of back then and 50 years later.
Have a blessed dsy.


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You ever in the military? Sorry to say in 1973 I probably would have done more than through off somewhere. Probably a can of whoopass on you. 2 of back then and 50 years later.
Have a blessed dsy.
Good on you for staying fit! I am a bit envious.....had to stop lifting about 20yrs ago....military days and rolling on the deck with bad guys caught up with me, been declining ever since. Stay at it DBnoise!
I grew up around the people who got stuck with these before they worked out the bugs. I wouldn't dignify the Self Soiling Jammomatic Poodle Shooter until a few years ago when I got a $275 parts kit. My Dad who was almost a foot shorter than his younger brother from growing up during the Depression. They all managed to work with a Man's Rifle.
You really need some "Stronger Weapons"🤣😂🤣😂 My strongest long gun is probably my Mossberg 935 hurling Lightfield Commanders. Almost 5,000 ft lbs of muzzle energy. My 300mag is probably second. For Handguns I'm over 1,000ft lbs with my Dan Wesson and around 800ft lbs with my 7" 357sig.
The .357 SIG max's out at 750 ft. lbs. Also, there are handguns (revolvers only) that go up to 2,800 ft. lbs., and the Bushwhacker goes to 5,000 ft. ;bs.
That's the beauty of hand loading and kinda building your own guns. My 357sig has a 7" barrel and launches Lehigh's around 2,300fps. Limited People use what's available off the shelf 😂🤣😂🤣


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Last time I went to my gun club I shot my Glock 32 as well as my Sig P239 both in 357 Sig and I'm starting to get uncomfortable shooting that round. I'm realizing age will do that to you... I'm amazed at how much a 60lb bag of mortar mix weighs now.... I really can't understand it... hell I used to carry 94lb bags of Portland cement up to a platform on a roof. Just throw it over my shoulder and go up the ladders.....