LCR wood grips

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Jan 30, 2006
Northern Illinois
I emailed Hogue grips and asked if they were gonna come out with wood grips for the LCR. Heres the response.

We do not have them yet and may at some point make them. But for now it
is just the rubber and they are on contract basis with Ruger. Thank

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:eek:[email protected]]
Sent: Friday, October 09, 2009 4:55 PM
To: Office
Subject: Message from Hogue Store


Are you going to come out with wood grips for the Ruger LCR?
I love the look and feel of wood grips as well as anyone..maybe not as pretty as old patina stag or ivory, but wood is beautiful.
That being said, I am not sure I would want to give up the cushion of the factory grips on the LCR. This little gun shoots great and is very well managed for its light weight. It would be a hard choice. :?
I am working toward making wood grips for the LCR but right I have not had time to get them completed. I will post pics as soon as I can get to them. Steve
Woodpile: Did you ever get around to making wood grips for the LCR? If so, could you post a picture or two? Many thanks. Black Dog

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