LCP Wear & Tear

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Dec 28, 2009
Hey Guys and Gals,

Does anyone know what a normal wear and tear should be for a guide rod in an LCP ? I've fired about 150 rounds through mine, though load it and unload it daily. I've had it for about a year and aside from a general recall, some months ago, don't have any issues.

The wear and tear is noticable to the touch ( sharp edges ) and to the naked eye. It looks as if someone filed the edges of it. Some look worse than others and that has me concerned.

I've heard that some plastic guide rods on Glocks have to be replaced periodically. Is this something to be expected with LCP's ?

I phoned Ruger and got my own question answered.
I was told that kind of abuse along edges of the end of a guide rod that rests against a barrel lug is expected. I was also told that once broken in that will be it, it won't increase and should not affect the function of a gun.

I did learn, however, that there is a new set of springs that is used on newer guns in which the inner spring flares out a little on a muzzle end.

I don't know what caused Ruger to make that change as didn't have any issues with mine but I don't see how it could hurt so I'm getting the new set for my LCP.
