LCP reviews

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I have one and love it. It has been 100% for me. I carry in a Fobus anckle and OWB hip. A blast to shoot even thought others will say different.


Get one if you can afford it.
Many additional accessories, factory mods, recommended prep steps, accessories, choices for ammo, even a few home fixes to address minor issues, etc. since the LCP was introduced way back when to say nothing of the thousands of additional guns that have come off the assembly line and have been fired repeatedly since 2008 giving us a better indication of the shelf life/reliability of this gun long term. I would look at where we are with this gun currently (it's even better than when originally introduced) and continues to sell like crazy.

Wayno, that thread just touches the surface but is a good start. :)

I like mine too!

And what Charger22 said!

Bwarner, you would be hard pressed today if you are a gun guy not to know someone who owns an LCP, have a friend/co-worker who owns one, a friend of a friend, or at least handled one in a gun shop or show. Ruger has been churning them out like Model T's and like the Model T, it works for not a whole lot of cash.
Better Wayno. :D

One thing that needs to be stressed however (because it's a safety issue ) concerns the use of +P in the LCP - I bring it up because it is talked about in your link and folks may not be up to speed.... Ruger has since issued a formal position on this subject and owners and perspective LCP owners should be aware that if they elect to shoot .380 ammo that exceeds the 21,500 psi limit established for the .380 by SAAMI, they do so at their own risk per the factory. Plenty on this at the LCP forum. You decide. Other than that, buy it, shoot it, carry it, enjoy it.

We know. We know Gator. :)
kraigster414":23uh1wp2 said:
Better Wayno. :D

One thing that needs to be stressed however (because it's a safety issue ) concerns the use of +P in the LCP - I bring it up because it is talked about in your link and folks may not be up to speed.... Ruger has since issued a formal position on this subject and owners and perspective LCP owners should be aware that if they elect to shoot .380 ammo that exceeds the 21,500 psi limit established for the .380 by SAAMI, they do so at their own risk per the factory. Plenty on this at the LCP forum. You decide. Other than that, buy it, shoot it, carry it, enjoy it.

We know. We know Gator. :)

From the LCP on line Intruction manual;

The RUGER® LCPTM pistols are chambered for the .380 Auto cartridge. Do
not attempt to load any other cartridges into the magazine or chamber of the
pistol. Do not use "+P" ammunition.
The RUGER® LCPTM pistols are compatible with standard factory ammunition
loaded to U.S. Industry Standards, including hollow-point loads loaded in brass
or aluminum cases. No .380 Auto ammunition manufactured in accordance with
NATO, U.S., SAAMI, or CIP standards is known to be beyond the design limits or
known not to function in these pistols. Do not use "+P" ammunition.

I was also interested because I just put one on lay-a-way, a 372- s/n.
I carry it everyday regardless of what I'm wearing. Jeans, dress pants, shorts, etc. Great carry gun and easy to conceal. Just remember, this is NOT a target gun. It's for up close & personal protection.
A laser sight seemed like a logical addition to my LCP, and after purchasing a Crimson Trace and viewing their DVD, I'm sure of it.
I've been carrying my LCP for less than a year, but already feel very uncomfortable without it. Kinda like driving without a seat belt.
toysoldier":1sv1oab1 said:
A laser sight seemed like a logical addition to my LCP, and after purchasing a Crimson Trace and viewing their DVD, I'm sure of it.
I've been carrying my LCP for less than a year, but already feel very uncomfortable without it. Kinda like driving without a seat belt.

Same here. I wouldn't leave home without it.

I do suggest that new owners practice often to get used to the long trigger pull and how to activate the laser while shooting.

It took a couple trips to the range to get used to the long trigger pull, but it is second nature now to keep pulling till the gun goes "BANG". Maybe it was just me and my old hands and my slow brain, but at first it was awkward trying to do both with acceptable speed and accuracy.

For those considering buying an LCP, this is not a weapon to start a war with. It is strictly an SHTF weapon for personal defense, when things are happening fast and up close and personal, where speed and accuracy at close range are very important. If you are lucky, you may get off three or four rounds. If your intended target is over 20 feet away, you are probably safer to duck and run than engage.


Merry Christmas everybody.

"A laser sight seemed like a logical addition to my LCP, and after purchasing a Crimson Trace and viewing their DVD, I'm sure of it. "

Own 2 Crimson Trace laser grips on 2 Rugers.
KUDOS on yer choice!
Super gun for cc; not a fun plinker by any stretch, plus ammo can be hard to scrounge. I swap mine out with the LCR, depending upon conditions and clothing requirements.

No problems after about 200 rounds. Sweet little girl for personal defense. Heartily endorsed. :D
Just picked my Cabela's deal LCP tonight--$329.99 + tax

Came with 2 mags--spare mag base(finger hook)
Desantis pocket holster
The Ruger pistol rug and another larger one with the Ruger emblem sown on.
Lock and keys

Bought a box of Gold Dots

Cleaned it---loaded the mags and now she's ridin in my pocket---life is good sometimes--lol