LC 380 update

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Jul 9, 2013
I posted when I shot this gun out of the box that I had several failures. After I cleaned it and lubed the rails and barrel lug, it was fine. I purchased this gun July 3 and since, I have modified with Galloway Precision trigger which shortened the trigger pull by about half. This wasn't an issue for me but, its the wife's gun and she must be obeyed. Also, I installed a lasermax sight as this is to be primarily a home defense. Today, we put about 200 rounds thru it and it ate everything we fed it. It was my first time with a laser sight and I'm definitely going to put one on my carry. Boy, 380 ammo is scarce.
Mine I have had no problems with, I put close to 1000 rounds threw mine not one hiccup. If you lived in Michigan I could tell you where to get 380 ammo. The only places that Don't have any here are the big box stores.
Pappygator, did the Galloway trigger lighten the trigger pull? My wife has R.A. and when I had her try to dry fire the pistol it is too hard for her to do so. she had to use two hands (both forefingers) to get the trigger to break. Of course pistol is brand new and i haven't even fired it yet so don't know if it will limber up some.
If anything, the trigger pull seems to be a little lighter. Give Eric Galloway a call and he may have an answer as to why your trigger is stacking.
Thanks, I'll take you up on that suggestion. I don't have a problem with the trigger, but I don't have R.A. either. Not real fond of the long trigger pull, but haven't had it to the range yet either.