Just tried a new Ruger MKIII Target

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I bought a new Ruger MKIII Target and tried it a the range.

I used to shoot a Beretta W-76 and a Browning Challenger II and I was looking at the Ruger as a pistol that seems cheaper and of less quality! But I was surprise by the Ruger!

Ok, the pistol was new and I had some problem reassembling it! So I went to the range, took what ammo they had (wildcat 40gr HV / it is hard to find cheaper ammo.....) and start shooting at 10 meters....

Ho surprise: out of the box, after a good cleaning only, with cheap ammo, I was putting most of my shots in the black center.....not a single jam..not a single problem with either mag...the pistol is perfect.

My opinion on the Ruger has changed. It is a very good pistol and I am certain that after breaking it a while and with good quality ammo it will outperform some much higher priced pistol!

Jack :D
Welcome to the forum and congrats on your new MKIII (They are great pistols). The field strip process will get much easier with a little practice :wink:
yeah, take it apart a couple more times and you don't even think about how to do it-
Having shot the old MK I Target in competition and now having a new MK III Target to plink around with I am impressed, but not surprised, at the inherent accuracy of it. Straight out of the box, at 50 feet, it put ten in a 1 1/2 in circle off a rolled up blanket (sandbag of the day). They ARE fun guns.