Just my musings on Ruger semi auto's

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Jan 4, 2004
This is not a knock at the new RxM. Heck, I ran out and bought one, and I love the dern thing. I just find it odd the way Ruger really didn't support the American pistol. It had a removable fire control unit, but as far as I know, they never offered for sale any different sized frames for it, and no one in the aftermarket to my knowledge did either. The had a pretty successful pistol in the SR9. I worked in a gun store when the SR9 was out and we sold the heck out of them. Then they just completely dropped the SR9 for the American and it's like I didn't see hardly any advertisements for it, no new frames or parts, it was like zero support. I honestly think the American is a very under-rated pistol. I know mine has been 100% reliable since day one. But I seem to be in the minority. Now, I really think they have a home run hit with the RxM, and once again, I am not knocking them for making it. It's no different than them (and everyone else) making ARs and 1911s now. And so far it's been a dang fine pistol. But, so was the American, that I bet money they will discontinue now.
Yeah, it's hard to understand why companies make the decisions they do, some times. I thought it was strange that Ruger discontinued chambering anything in .40 S&W, but continues chambering for some other cartridges that probably account for less than 5% as much, in terms of the ammunition market. And dropping all of their 40s seems even more odd in some ways, because they're still selling 10mm firearms with the exact same bore diameter - although I don't know if Ruger is making their own barrels anymore, and if they're not, the common bore size won't affect cost of production. I know in the past, some companies have reportedly made some really weird decisions because upper management was focused on a 'legacy', or engaged in an internal 'pissing contest', or disconnected from reality in some other way (all common human traits ;^), but the facts didn't come out until later. Who knows...
Seems like more than any other platform in the Ruger line, they have a pre-planned life span for semi-auto handguns.
My first Ruger auto was a P-85 9mm...... sooo great but not everyone's cup of tea....every now and then you'll find one for about $275......I just feel that is where Ruger's ( esp plastic frame ) autos settle to......Thank God their 1911's hold value...... I expect the RXM will do the same thing as the other SR's P's etc....and then Ruger will move on to the next model after a good run
Ruger simply couldn't (can't) make a marketable semi-auto service pistol of their own design, to be any measurable success, they had to steal someone else's. If (when) it's failing hard enough, maybe I'll snag one at $<300.
When the American pistol hadn't been out long I bought one for my wife. She hates recoil so I thought a large heavy 9mm might be a good idea. She liked it. I thought it was a good pistol. Later on she decided she wanted something smaller & we wound up getting her a S&W Shield 380 EZ. There is nothing wrong with that American pistol. It is just really large for carry. At one time I wanted the smaller version but then they seemed to dry up. I just didn't see them around & went another way. I don't think there was anything wrong with them. They just entered a really crowded market & never seemed to take off.
I still have a P-series. It is a P944. I spent a lot of time working with that gun then wound up moving on to other things. It is reliable.
I passed on the SR series guns because I did not want the magazine disconnect safety.
I don't really want a RXM at this time but I believe they will sell a lot of them. If I ever decide I want another Glock clone I might try one. Maybe it will stay around longer.
There are several good guns that have fallen into obscurity simply because side the aftermarket did not embrace them. I really liked my SIG SP2022, yet there were hardly any decent holsters made for it. Same for the Browning BDM. Both great guns, but I no longer own either because the lack of good concealment holsters.
Randyzzz, you mention the Sig SP2022 which is a prime example of manufacturers trying to go the direction they think their potential customers want to go... seems to me that pistol they were trying to make their classic P226 /P225 into a poly gun. The interesting thing, side note, is their other pistol before that the 2340 slide will fit and work on the SP2022 frame and it is for 40 cal and 357 Sig... So I have a 2022 that can run 9mm, 357 Sig and 40 cal ammo..... don't ask me why.... who knows really why we have what we have....

I guess the real answer is that the whole semi-auto industry has turned to making smaller lighter handguns. My having both carried over the years and also taken a lot of classes that require a lot of shooting... it's nice to carry something that is light and 'comfortable' but when it comes to actual shooting I guess I'm old school, I would prefer something substantial in my hand that I know will do the job. As I was reading the post above I had this idea of going to the next gun show and just buying either Ruger P89's or better yet for me 95's.
Randyzzz, you mention the Sig SP2022 which is a prime example of manufacturers trying to go the direction they think their potential customers want to go... seems to me that pistol they were trying to make their classic P226 /P225 into a poly gun. The interesting thing, side note, is their other pistol before that the 2340 slide will fit and work on the SP2022 frame and it is for 40 cal and 357 Sig... So I have a 2022 that can run 9mm, 357 Sig and 40 cal ammo..... don't ask me why.... who knows really why we have what we have....

I guess the real answer is that the whole semi-auto industry has turned to making smaller lighter handguns. My having both carried over the years and also taken a lot of classes that require a lot of shooting... it's nice to carry something that is light and 'comfortable' but when it comes to actual shooting I guess I'm old school, I would prefer something substantial in my hand that I know will do the job. As I was reading the post above I had this idea of going to the next gun show and just buying either Ruger P89's or better yet for me 95's.
I had 2022's in both 9mm and .40. It took a while to find the large grip module / from the earlier "SIG PRO" that you referenced. And then hours putting a nice stipple on the grip module. They were great shooting guns but with no aftermarket support in holsters they were useless in my opinion.

I carry a HK P2000SK as my daily. It's a 9mm. But honestly, I am much more co sortable shooting the full size HK45, or even the 45C. Your last paragraph is spot on.
Frankly I didn't see any point in the Ruger American. The P345 to me was the precursor to the SR9 series and they just worked for my hand. They pointed well and were reliable. Even though the new RxM is the big, new thing I don't really want a Glock Clone. Between the SR9 series and the S&W M&P will handle anything I need. So far Ruger has not convinced me otherwise. I'm disappointed Ruger discontinued the SR9 and I think it's still a home run.
If I wanted a Glock 19 size gun, the Taurus G 3 series works for me. For concealed carry, the Taurus G3c has proven itself to me. I'm good for a while.
It appears -- to me -- that Ruger's long-term marketing plan is to always have yet another LATEST ,GREATEST, HOTTEST THING ON THE MARKET.

And they're not alone in this.
I have an SR9, and I don't know why they would have quit making it; it's awesome.


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    Photo Feb 03 2025, 11 50 11 - Copy.jpg
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My musing on Ruger autos. They peaked with the Mark I Target. The later Marks were solutions in search of a problem. Their first centerfire autos looked like bricks with a hole in the front. Later ones were just knockoffs. And for Pete's sake don't pull a S&W and reuse names on autos you used on revolvers. It shows total lack of imagination.
I have 3 SR 9mm mags that I accumulated when I got the Ruger 9mm PC Carbine. It is now setup for glock mags. I sold my RAP with its 3 mags to get a second RXM. No reason to have them other than the idea I'm hanging on to the SR mags in case one like @davevabch shows up for the right price. Or until I list them for sale...

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