This is not a knock at the new RxM. Heck, I ran out and bought one, and I love the dern thing. I just find it odd the way Ruger really didn't support the American pistol. It had a removable fire control unit, but as far as I know, they never offered for sale any different sized frames for it, and no one in the aftermarket to my knowledge did either. The had a pretty successful pistol in the SR9. I worked in a gun store when the SR9 was out and we sold the heck out of them. Then they just completely dropped the SR9 for the American and it's like I didn't see hardly any advertisements for it, no new frames or parts, it was like zero support. I honestly think the American is a very under-rated pistol. I know mine has been 100% reliable since day one. But I seem to be in the minority. Now, I really think they have a home run hit with the RxM, and once again, I am not knocking them for making it. It's no different than them (and everyone else) making ARs and 1911s now. And so far it's been a dang fine pistol. But, so was the American, that I bet money they will discontinue now.