Well I hate to drag this topic out any further but I just wanted to pass the info on. I called Ruger to ask if removal of the Ejector Alignment Pawl would affect a New Model Vaquero and he advised me it would affect the timing of the revolver. I told him many people have done this modification and went over the way the pawl is incorporated into the gun and can't see how it would affect the timing. I asked him to explain how it would so I can let others know not to do it and he said "I can't go over that, that we advise people not to modify their guns in any way." so I have elected to keep this part removed from my revolver as it causes visible wear. Many others have done it and fired a lot of rounds with no reported ill affects. So take this info and decide yourself, I think the timing being affected is a generalized warning to keep people from tinkering because he "could not go over that". I don't blame him he is just covering his end as far as warranty type stuff goes.