It's So Cold Outside...

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It's been so cold this week that I've had to turn on the mini-split to supplement the direct vent gas heater in my office.... that really does not make sense to me.
My wife is staying in the west wing since our master bedroom has no roof (thank you Helene) and that end of the house is heated and cooled solely with mini-splits, I'm not looking forward to this month's electric bill.
Yes, my brother-in-law has an all electric home and is complaining about his very high electric bill. I suggested he shut off his furnace for the 3 hours that the electric company bills $12 per unit (mega something or other). Since that is the device that is using the most electricity. I think he could program his thermostat to do that. 2 years ago he had to replace his furnace, and I suggested he put in a gas furnace and a gas line from the street to his house for it, but he decided to install that electric furnace cause it was a few dollars cheaper. Now he's paying for that decision.
I usually walk my two dogs every morning for around an hour, but when it gets really cold it not only is no fun for me but actually dangerous for the dogs (I've tried the dog booties thing and can't seem to keep those things on their feet for a 2.5 mile walk). Today is the 6th day in a row that it has been below 10°, usually below 0° in the morning. I was thinking about starting up all 3 of my cars and both of my motorcycles so that the burning fossil fuel would attract some of this so-called "global warming" I hear talked about.
I've hard several origins over the years. Most common has to do with cannon balls on board a sailing ship. Also some sort of advertising display. Never knew which was accurate.

Similar background to "...........if the Lord is willing and the Creeks don't rise."

Bob Wright

Bob Wright
I was told that the Lord is always willing but the creek may not have gotten the word.

My daughter was talking about how cold it was walking her dog for his "exercise and other things" time. I told her that a cat is a LOT easier to take care of my cat. Litter pan in the basement, if she wants out she is LET out and when she wants in she jumps up on the porch railing and taps on the living room window (yes she actually taps on the window with her paw). I then let her back in.
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