It took me 20 years...

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Mar 22, 2009
Lakeland, Florida
but I finally got me another Security Six :D . In 1987 I bought a LNIB Security Six, blue, 2-3/4" barrel from a guy that I worked with. I loved that gun. A year or so later money issues reared their ugly head, and when you're young and have no other assets, the guns are the first thing to go. That one hurt, too as it was the first "nice" gun I ever owned.

Over the next few years I got out of shooting until about 7 years ago. Ever since I got back involved, I've wished I could get me another Security Six like the one I had. I've seen them but was never able to pull it off (usually due to being broke...some things never change). Today I was perusing a trader site I stumbled on to, and lo and behold, there's a nice looking SS (although with a 4" barrel), the owner wanted to trade, and he wasn't far away. Emails were exchanged, decisions were made, and I got it! I gave up my pocket carry pistol for it, but I'm still happy with the deal. I'll get me another small carry piece.

This gun is a beauty! The only flaw I can find is on the top corners of the rear sight it looks like it either hit something or something hit it. Other than that it's gorgeous. The bluing is deep and rich, the bore is great and it locks up like a vault. The serial number puts it 1981-1982.

I like the feel of the Pachmayr grip and will use that for shooting, but I want to get a set of original stocks for it just to have them. I can't wait to take this one out! :D


congrats! that's a good looking gun and way to be persistent with your search. i have a couple of the speed six variety and they are great guns!
That looks in great shape. And blued, too. Excellant!

Rear sights are just a few bucks to replace - I'd say you did the right thing. I'd pay real money to find one is good shape like that.
If you will PM me I have a set of original grips I will give you. I put a set of Pacs on mine as well and never plan to change them. OG
Nice Ruger. Good catch. I've had a 4" Blue Security Six since 1973. For some reason I let it get away from me in 1979 and promptly bought another one just like it in 1979. I've been through a lot of grips and always go back to the small factory grips for the 4" Six. I like the Hogues on my 3" Service Six for some reason though.
I certainly am! I was looking at the rear sight and it looks like someone either tried to file the top corners down or tapped on it with a hammer. A new rear sight and this thing will be perfect :D (or knowing me I'll just enjoy it like it is :p )