I just bought a new Ruger American in 243 and shot it the other day to set scope. Counting the shots to set the scope plus a 3 shot group, the gun has less than 10 rounds in it. I ran a patch with regular Hoppe's and let it stay in with barrel slightly tilted down to allow some drain. After about an hour I ran another Hoppe patch through and did this over and over about 3 times till no patch had dark residue. I then ran several dry patches that were clean. I then ran a lightly oiled patch with Barricade in the barrel to prevent rust. Although not enough Barricade was in there to drain I still left my barrel tilted slightly just in case. Today it was time to put it in the safe and I noticed at the muzzle some brown spots in the barrel, more in the lands I think they are called than on the grooves. The raised part of the rifling has less brown than the wider lower area inside. Now they are not a lot, just a streak here and there or a spot here and there. Will this hurt anything or do I need to get it out? I didn't use a brush as it has less than 10 rounds through it. Do I need to use a brush? Do I need to use copper solvent and if so do I need t let it set a while. Thanks for any help.