I'm done with Taco Bell

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Here in my fair city we have a locally owned outfit called Taco Shop. Far superior to TB. I find so many places now are just not good quality nor quantity for the money. Taco Shop has yet to succumb to the dark side. I fear it's coming through.
Ha, this brought back some memories. Back in the 70's, when I was in college, I ate there all of the time. Heck, I could get a bean burrito for 50 cents. But, at that age, I could eat black powder and wash it down with kerosene with no ill effects. Now, it rips me apart (or at least it did the last time I ate any) and I leave it alone.

T Bell is to the intestinal track what Draino is to your plumbing system....................
I try to avoid all fast food these days. The quality has gone down as fast as the prices have gone up. And even if you get lucky and it tastes good, it still isn't good for you nutritionally. After a few to several post Taco Bell GI issues over the years I have since nicknamed it Taco Belly. Never again!
In my earlier post I meant that the food served in just about any restaurant (New Mexican) was terrific. I never ate at a franchise Mexican fast food place when I lived in The Land of Entrapment. When you ordered your food they would ask "Red or green?" meaning what type of chili sauce you wanted. I liked some of both so I would answer "Christmas."
That's why we call it "Taco Hell"! I live on the US/Mexico border so I have lots of choices to have real Mexican food. I also eat in Mexico sometimes. The food is always good but gotta avoid the water. I think the people in Mexico have a tougher stomach than any of us, LOL!


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I swore off Toxic Hell many, many years ago and won't eat there under any circumstances. That pretty much goes for ANY fast food place that has 'taco' in the name. I do love Mexican food, and eat a lot of it.
It was good when it was cheap. Now it costs too much for what it is.

I had my gal bladder removed after it tried to kill me. Since then eating almost anything can trigger a bowel movement. Taco Bell is no worse than anything else.
Holy smokes why do you think there have been a zillion Taco Bell jokes about the "next day anal suppression fire" over the past several decades? Sheesh!

DelTaco in CA.
Ahhh Del Taco.....I was a Taco Bell junkie on the east coast. When I got stationed in San Diego I didn't trust the Mexican joints and found Del Taco much better than Del Taco....but then, I was convinced to try Roberto's......and I was hooked! Probably ate there M-F at least once. Went there for lunch every chance I got, typically six shredded beef tacos. When I got off work I went through the Roberto's drive through to grab a chicken burrito w/two cups of hot sauce for the ride home.

ROBERTO's was THE BEST!!! I know a member that will chime in when he sees this!
We have a Taco Bell and a Taco John's. Taco John's was always my favorite. My wife didn't like it as much as me so I would go mostly there by myself but she would occasionally go with me. Then after Covid it went down hill badly. There is a Monterray's Mexican restaurant about 30 miles from us and it is quite good. Clean, fast service, and good food. When we get a hankering that's where we head.
Most, if not all, fast food has gotten expensive. However, as I tell my customers, we live in a time when a pick up truck costs $90,000.
I get your point, but a new pickup truck comes with air bags, navigation, blue tooth, smart screens etc. All things not available 25 years ago.

A taco is the same thing its always been.

But I understand costs have risen. I don't eat out often anymore. I just bought a big Stanley lunch box to replace my paper bag.
I actually used to like the food from Taco Bell, especially the "Taco Salad" which they no longer offer. But last night, after not eating anything from Taco Bell for several years, I gave in and bought their advertised $7 basket of various items (tacos, burrito, chips and cheese and more). It wasn't bad, but not as good as I had remembered. But today I am paying the price for eating that food. Maybe my system just doesnt work as well as it used to, but I am convinced that there is no more Taco Bell in my future.
I remember dining at a tacobell 30-40 years ago....didn't taste like food to me, only time I have ever been to one...:unsure::unsure: