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Aug 20, 2006
soda springs, idaho
I've been camped out for 9 days now, its rained, snowed, the wind has blown & sometimes its been pretty nice, typical Idaho weather in oct. I've seen a boat load of deer, lots of elk, a couple of moose, a couple of coyotes.......and a badger.
My daughter joined us for the first 2 days, she's a very good shot & has a knack for spotting deer, her boyfriend couldn't see anything but he assured me he was a very good hunter. Turns out he's only taken 1 deer in his life, it must have been shot at the zoo. He didn't even know what a spotting scope was, he had never heard of one! When we got out the first morning he had a trigger lock on his gun & no key, it turns out it was his brothers gun, he had to drive back to camp & get a different rifle, it wasn't sighted in, I could see it was going to be a great weekend.
Anyway, on the afternoon of the first day I watched some road hunters drive by & one of them shot a deer, I could tell it was hit, they made no effort to retreive it. I told my daughter we would go down & see if we could find it & I"d let her finish the job, when we got there it was a doe, they had shot her just for the fun of it, I was so mad, there's no doe season, they were just out killing, I contacted the game warden, he's looking for the cowards.
The next day we went to a different spot & when I had them unload the 4 wheeler I spotted a huge pile of geese, someone had shot 13 geese & 2 hen mallards, they were just dumped in a pile, I was really starting to get upset, there are so many slob hunters, sign shooters, etc, they ride around drinking a 12 pack of group tightner, throwing their cans out the window, just makes you sick, the bad part is, these guys are teaching their kids the same ethics, it really stinks.
Yesterday I had Callshot with me, we split up & after half an hour I heard him shoot, I was really hoping he had busted a buck, he is very limited on how much he can hunt because of his wife's illness. He had spotted a buck in the quakies & set down & broke a good shot but he missed, I sure wanted him to score!
Here's the young doe the poachers shot & left. She was alive when we first found her, she was dead the next morning when I took the game warden back to get her.


This is a very nice bunch of geese, just shot for the fun of it & then dumped in the tall grass, I've just about decided to quit hunting, there are so many slobs out there & its just getting worse, these are adults, they know better, they just don't care.


Maybe I'll just hunt badgers, don't know how they taste but I like their personality, they are always ready to fight & if they are seasoned right they might just make a nice mulligan in the dutch oven.


This is a very nice size badger, well furred & good claws, he'll make a nice rug for someone. Can't remember who has the next one spoken for, you'll have to remind me.


You can see he's pretty well equipped to dig out a fat squirrel, gopher or fat field mouse, he's in great shape.


This bad boy was nosing around some old farm equipment looking for supper when we started duking it out, missed him running with the first shot, he stopped & growled next to some lava rocks & I smoked him with #2.
He's a lot bigger than a #14 oven, guess I'll have to quarter him, then marinade for 6-7 months & see how he tastes! :wink: Whacked him with my Lipseys 44 special, 250 gr Keith slug & 7.5 grs of Unique, Skeeter would have been proud.



I guess I'm glad you "reported in" but the A**Holes that shoot animals and let them lie should be drawn and quartered!

Good job on the Badger!

Very upsetting about the Doe and the birds! Nice Badger. Once tried to eat a Whistlepig up in the Sangre De Cristo mountains. Couldn't make it past the smell, yuk! Saw that survival dude on tv eat a porcupine. The roadhunters who shot the doe should be served her and some nice goose meat while they sit in a cell!
Now I can see why you laughed last night when I said that I needed a picture of it in a dutch oven. I understand that some sauerkraut goes well with them. Sorry about missing that buck. I guess when they started calling me can'tshoot it must have stuck. Steve
Dick, I hearby deputize you to apprehend, maim, or flat out kick the Obama out of those two legged varmints that would abuse our wildlife like that. When caught by you, they should have the option of :
1) Be force fed a #14 'Dutch' oven full of sauerkraut.
2) Sleeping with a badger in their sleeping bag after a beef boullion bath.
3) Seeing how long they can tread 'water' in a septic tank.

You get the idea. Lot of wasted meals in that poaching incident.

The picture of the badger in the 'Dutch' is priceless. Needs to be on the cover of " 'sixshots' dutch oven cooking " cook book. :D :D :D
This is why the rest of us have to fight so hard for our rights.

Dick, I'm so sorry your time afield had to be ruined like this. Passing on the good morals the teach respect for all life is the only way to turn this mess around.

Thank you for your part!! 8)

It's a shame but there will always be slob hunters out there that will shoot anything they happen to run up on, domestic or wild, in or out of season and a lot of times just leave it lay. :x
Love photo of badger in the pot--like I said hate to have shoot out with you DEADLY--WHATS wrong with those people :x sad seens for you to see :!: but shows us what goes on with some people on the loose :roll: did not have the KEY :lol:
I wouldn't even call those folks slob hunters. More like poachers, and even worse as they didn't really want the critters they shot. And they say there is no sporting use for a RPG's :)

Nice badger there by the way, gonna make a nice pelt.
JWhitmore44":3bgzyvfe said:
I wouldn't even call those folks slob hunters. More like poachers, and even worse as they didn't really want the critters they shot. And they say there is no sporting use for a RPG's :)

Nice badger there by the way, gonna make a nice pelt.

It could be that "poacher" is a little too dignified a term. At least a poacher usually has an objective, such as meat, trophy, or some financial compensation in mind. What sixshot showed us may be one of two other things in the case of the doe. Someone shot it thinking it was a buck and walked away when they saw it wasn't (at that point the least they could have done would be to have finished her.) The other case, the geese included, appears to be someone out just for the killing (that in my estimation is very bad.) Few animals kill for "fun" sport, but man is one of them.
Well, it took me about 10 minutes to get calmed down to even type this. Slob hunters is a totally wrong term. There is no way I would compare them to any hunter. Slobs, another term too good for them. Poachers, as mentioned do at least recover & keep the game. They may break laws, but their objective is to eat.
Forcefed sauerkraut; No, some of them might enjoy that.
Sleeping with a badger; Do not subject an honorable fighter like a badger to such humiliation.
Treading "water" in a septic system. As long as it was a community septic system, in the first collection tank, and they were butt naked, and just upstream of them a "million gay" march was happening to where 1 million gays & lesbians were gathered and using all thew septic facilities for 3 days proir to putting them in the tank, and they are kept in the tank for at least 3 days, THEN you MIGHT get to classify them as something.
Dick. I'm sorry you had to endure the criminals during your hunt. Stuff like that really burns me up but I figure what goes around will come around and they'll get theirs one way or another.

Callshot, you need to be hanging around with some fishermen to learn the ropes of story telling. That "sorry I missed that buck" is not flyin' very well. Some of us are sittin' around bored in the middle of the night just reading this computer and we need details, even if you have to stretch'em and bend'em a bit to fit on the page. :wink:

Hopefully, the local game warden will catch them. Mindless fools like that, and we know they are out there in the "hunting" community, only provide more fodder for the anti-hunting crowd's arguments and make it more difficult on legitimate, honest, law abiding, REAL hunters.

That is something I would never do...use live animals for target practice. Any animal I was not planning on harvesting for food was only shot with a camera.


You're right folks, poacher inst the correct term either. Not sure if I can say the correct term here but I think we all know what it is.
Jeff Hoover":3tdq3ity said:
3) Seeing how long they can tread 'water' in a septic tank.

...............with a couple of cinder blocks tied around their necks.
O. K. mt here are the details in TRUE order to the best of my knowledge. This is the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help me sixshot. I was glassing the hill side as instructed by Dick. I saw some does and a 2 point mule deer buck somewhat on the ski line and slightly behind some quaking aspen trees. I was well overdressed and my glasses kept fogging up, so I wiped them of with a tissue. I estimated it to be about 100 yards, and up hill. I manoeuvred to a sitting position where I was comfortable and he didn't move. He was broadside and I am quite sure he had seen me, but just kept standing there. If you ever hunt with sixshot you had better listen, because the deer will be there just like he said they would be. He knows how deer think and act. He must have been a big buck in one of his former lives. When I had caught my breath so I wasn't shaking. I pulled back the hammer on my 41 Mag. Moose Killer and took aim. I have been able to hit the targets we practice on and thought there is nothing too different here so I should be able to hit this deer also. I lined up the cross hairs and squeezed the trigger. The shot felt good, but the scope momentarily turned black upon recoil. I was using a 250 gr. wide flat nosed cast bullet with 17 gr. of 2400. 2 does run to the left and 2 run to the right. I couldn't see where the buck went. The cell phone rang, and Dick ask if I had gotten him? I said I am not sure, I will have to go up there and count the dead. As I was talking to him briefly, the 2 does that went left came back and crossed to the right. Dick said that he could see one of them. I hoofed it up to the spot and found NOTHING. Dick ask if it was fun? I said yes, but I am disappointed that I missed. In this game you can hunt all season and may only get 1 shot. Dick said that I had gotten EXPERIENCE. By definition experience is what you get when you don't get what you want. On the way back home the drive chain came off of my 4 wheeler. It had been raining off and on all day so the road was muddy. I used the front wheel drive to get to a place that was not a puddle. I had only went through 1 puddle that day, but it was 6 to 7 miles long. Laying in the mud under the Trusty??? wheeler in the rain and in the dark with a flashlight in my mouth putting the chain back on, I kept telling myself, "Boy am I having FUN". I made it out ok, and dick had some grub cooking when I arrived. WE ate and talked. When I arrived at home, my wife said "Tell me about your adventure".
mt, Well there you have the details. It is pretty painful to go through them all and to admit that I cantshoot. I don't know any fishermen and don't know how to embellish anything with lies. If anyone ever asks if I had fun and would I go out again, the answer is IN A HEART BEAT. Now I do need to go out and work on the wheeler and wash the mud off everything. In the mean time, I can do some cooking, laundry, vacuuming, yard work, and hope that any neighbors or old friends don't stop by for a glass of warm buttermilk. Hope you enjoyed the details as much a I enjoyed bringing them to you. And that is the rest of the story.
flatgate":2suhx6aj said:

I guess I'm glad you "reported in" but the A**Holes that shoot animals and let them lie should be drawn and quartered!

Good job on the Badger!

+7 on that!
Callshot, that was much better. A hundred yards is not a "gimmee" shot anytime with a handgun.

I have to admit missing a mule deer buck once in Wyoming. SBH, sitting with arms on knee's, aiming at his chest at less than 40 yards. No joy! No excuse! Maybe I need to go fishing.

I hope you get some more hunting in this year.

mt :D
The people that shot the doe had to know it was doe, it was out in a stubble field & quite close to them, they also had a buddy in another truck in front of them, the first truck saw me & my daughter & sped off, I'm guessing a cell phone call was made because the white truck came flying past. It was easy to tell the doe was hit, although we thought it had to be a buck or they wouldn't be shooting in the first place. I know one thing, this local game warden is a young rooster & I'd sure hate to have him after me, he's a real go getter!
As far as the geese, the Fish & Game have really been checking hunters close, last year they found 46 geese in one of the dumpsters here in town, the local folks were really ticked off. I think a lot of this stuff comes from the lack of family at home, I know it's sure getting bad.


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