I've been camped out for 9 days now, its rained, snowed, the wind has blown & sometimes its been pretty nice, typical Idaho weather in oct. I've seen a boat load of deer, lots of elk, a couple of moose, a couple of coyotes.......and a badger.
My daughter joined us for the first 2 days, she's a very good shot & has a knack for spotting deer, her boyfriend couldn't see anything but he assured me he was a very good hunter. Turns out he's only taken 1 deer in his life, it must have been shot at the zoo. He didn't even know what a spotting scope was, he had never heard of one! When we got out the first morning he had a trigger lock on his gun & no key, it turns out it was his brothers gun, he had to drive back to camp & get a different rifle, it wasn't sighted in, I could see it was going to be a great weekend.
Anyway, on the afternoon of the first day I watched some road hunters drive by & one of them shot a deer, I could tell it was hit, they made no effort to retreive it. I told my daughter we would go down & see if we could find it & I"d let her finish the job, when we got there it was a doe, they had shot her just for the fun of it, I was so mad, there's no doe season, they were just out killing, I contacted the game warden, he's looking for the cowards.
The next day we went to a different spot & when I had them unload the 4 wheeler I spotted a huge pile of geese, someone had shot 13 geese & 2 hen mallards, they were just dumped in a pile, I was really starting to get upset, there are so many slob hunters, sign shooters, etc, they ride around drinking a 12 pack of group tightner, throwing their cans out the window, just makes you sick, the bad part is, these guys are teaching their kids the same ethics, it really stinks.
Yesterday I had Callshot with me, we split up & after half an hour I heard him shoot, I was really hoping he had busted a buck, he is very limited on how much he can hunt because of his wife's illness. He had spotted a buck in the quakies & set down & broke a good shot but he missed, I sure wanted him to score!
Here's the young doe the poachers shot & left. She was alive when we first found her, she was dead the next morning when I took the game warden back to get her.
This is a very nice bunch of geese, just shot for the fun of it & then dumped in the tall grass, I've just about decided to quit hunting, there are so many slobs out there & its just getting worse, these are adults, they know better, they just don't care.
Maybe I'll just hunt badgers, don't know how they taste but I like their personality, they are always ready to fight & if they are seasoned right they might just make a nice mulligan in the dutch oven.
This is a very nice size badger, well furred & good claws, he'll make a nice rug for someone. Can't remember who has the next one spoken for, you'll have to remind me.
You can see he's pretty well equipped to dig out a fat squirrel, gopher or fat field mouse, he's in great shape.
This bad boy was nosing around some old farm equipment looking for supper when we started duking it out, missed him running with the first shot, he stopped & growled next to some lava rocks & I smoked him with #2.
He's a lot bigger than a #14 oven, guess I'll have to quarter him, then marinade for 6-7 months & see how he tastes! :wink: Whacked him with my Lipseys 44 special, 250 gr Keith slug & 7.5 grs of Unique, Skeeter would have been proud.
My daughter joined us for the first 2 days, she's a very good shot & has a knack for spotting deer, her boyfriend couldn't see anything but he assured me he was a very good hunter. Turns out he's only taken 1 deer in his life, it must have been shot at the zoo. He didn't even know what a spotting scope was, he had never heard of one! When we got out the first morning he had a trigger lock on his gun & no key, it turns out it was his brothers gun, he had to drive back to camp & get a different rifle, it wasn't sighted in, I could see it was going to be a great weekend.
Anyway, on the afternoon of the first day I watched some road hunters drive by & one of them shot a deer, I could tell it was hit, they made no effort to retreive it. I told my daughter we would go down & see if we could find it & I"d let her finish the job, when we got there it was a doe, they had shot her just for the fun of it, I was so mad, there's no doe season, they were just out killing, I contacted the game warden, he's looking for the cowards.
The next day we went to a different spot & when I had them unload the 4 wheeler I spotted a huge pile of geese, someone had shot 13 geese & 2 hen mallards, they were just dumped in a pile, I was really starting to get upset, there are so many slob hunters, sign shooters, etc, they ride around drinking a 12 pack of group tightner, throwing their cans out the window, just makes you sick, the bad part is, these guys are teaching their kids the same ethics, it really stinks.
Yesterday I had Callshot with me, we split up & after half an hour I heard him shoot, I was really hoping he had busted a buck, he is very limited on how much he can hunt because of his wife's illness. He had spotted a buck in the quakies & set down & broke a good shot but he missed, I sure wanted him to score!
Here's the young doe the poachers shot & left. She was alive when we first found her, she was dead the next morning when I took the game warden back to get her.

This is a very nice bunch of geese, just shot for the fun of it & then dumped in the tall grass, I've just about decided to quit hunting, there are so many slobs out there & its just getting worse, these are adults, they know better, they just don't care.

Maybe I'll just hunt badgers, don't know how they taste but I like their personality, they are always ready to fight & if they are seasoned right they might just make a nice mulligan in the dutch oven.

This is a very nice size badger, well furred & good claws, he'll make a nice rug for someone. Can't remember who has the next one spoken for, you'll have to remind me.

You can see he's pretty well equipped to dig out a fat squirrel, gopher or fat field mouse, he's in great shape.

This bad boy was nosing around some old farm equipment looking for supper when we started duking it out, missed him running with the first shot, he stopped & growled next to some lava rocks & I smoked him with #2.
He's a lot bigger than a #14 oven, guess I'll have to quarter him, then marinade for 6-7 months & see how he tastes! :wink: Whacked him with my Lipseys 44 special, 250 gr Keith slug & 7.5 grs of Unique, Skeeter would have been proud.
