My youngest Son is participating in the Inauguration. He came back from GA as part of the silent casket watch team a couple weeks ago and right into practicing for tomorrow. We've spoke several times. He said the security is tight, protesters have been harassing the military members as they practice. All anti Trump crap. Funny story, but also a somewhat positive sign that security is being taken serious. All the rifles you will see are inert drill and ceremonial pieces. When you are selected to the NCG you are issued a box of M1 Garand parts. You have to refinish the stock, metals, a certain standard, put it together and maintain it throughout your tour. The actions are welded shut, and the barrels are filled. The only actions that are functional are the firing party M14 rifles for funerals and salutes, to manually fire blanks of course. Anyhow, last week they were all lined up to enter the security tent to be inspected. The line wasn't moving. The Agents inspecting the NCG Team wouldn't allow them to pass......because their M1 Rifles would not allow the chamber to be inspected. They didn't believe the NCG Team that the rifles were inert. Silly, but hey shows they are taking it serious.
Son is excited. He will be attending the ball tonight in full NCG Uniform. I wasn't thrilled when he was selected out of boot camp for the dog and pony show NCG stuff. It delayed his actual assignment with the Seabees 2 years. But, he's been a part of history being selected to be on the casket watch detail for a former POTUS and the inauguration detail. He will be crawling through the mud with his fellow Bees in AUG though.