I woke up SUPER HAPPY today.

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Yes, I have taken a vacation day from work to watch the inauguration . I haven't been this upbeat since Ronald Reagan got his second term . God answered prayers. May God bless America and Pres. Trump 👍 MAGA ! !
We were lucky enough to be on vacation during the Kavanaugh hearings.
My wife and I watched every minute. Sat there open mouth stunned at the hate, venom, and lies thrown at that man.
We never really paid much attention to politics before that day. We do now.
We have eyes wide open to the one party hating America the other party loving America.
The same "quality" that 'makes' politicians, also destroys them: EGO.
Biden (and his wife) still believe he would have won....
Politicians are a scary breed
..... yet they are the only breed who will cherish their own grade school bs.
Do not know about any organized protests but there will likely be some. I hope mayhem is not resulting. We do not need more of that.

. The NY Times reports today that an air of resignation has settled on the Capitol. We shall see. I hope for the orderly and most peaceful transition.
Yes,, tomorrow we will see a change in America. As for protests,,there have already been some across the nation against President Trump. In Asheville NC yesterday,, the local news highlighted one in downtown,, with about 30 or so people,, mostly women,, against Trump. The funny thing was the stuff on their signs. Women's rights. Trans rights, equality.

I don't see any real form of serious mayhem, or violence. Most of the people against Trump are just screamers & whiners. Noisy,, but no real action.

I may not be able to watch the ceremony tomorrow as I'll be traveling to SHOT. But I'm going to try & see as much as I can before I leave.

I truly hope that many of our leaders realize that the real America has spoken against the failed stuff in the last 4 years,, and works hard to fix as much as possible.
My youngest Son is participating in the Inauguration. He came back from GA as part of the silent casket watch team a couple weeks ago and right into practicing for tomorrow. We've spoke several times. He said the security is tight, protesters have been harassing the military members as they practice. All anti Trump crap. Funny story, but also a somewhat positive sign that security is being taken serious. All the rifles you will see are inert drill and ceremonial pieces. When you are selected to the NCG you are issued a box of M1 Garand parts. You have to refinish the stock, metals, etc...to a certain standard, put it together and maintain it throughout your tour. The actions are welded shut, and the barrels are filled. The only actions that are functional are the firing party M14 rifles for funerals and salutes, to manually fire blanks of course. Anyhow, last week they were all lined up to enter the security tent to be inspected. The line wasn't moving. The Agents inspecting the NCG Team wouldn't allow them to pass......because their M1 Rifles would not allow the chamber to be inspected. They didn't believe the NCG Team that the rifles were inert. Silly, but hey shows they are taking it serious.

Son is excited. He will be attending the ball tonight in full NCG Uniform. I wasn't thrilled when he was selected out of boot camp for the dog and pony show NCG stuff. It delayed his actual assignment with the Seabees 2 years. But, he's been a part of history being selected to be on the casket watch detail for a former POTUS and the inauguration detail. He will be crawling through the mud with his fellow Bees in AUG though.
My youngest Son is participating in the Inauguration. He came back from GA as part of the silent casket watch team a couple weeks ago and right into practicing for tomorrow. We've spoke several times. He said the security is tight, protesters have been harassing the military members as they practice. All anti Trump crap. Funny story, but also a somewhat positive sign that security is being taken serious. All the rifles you will see are inert drill and ceremonial pieces. When you are selected to the NCG you are issued a box of M1 Garand parts. You have to refinish the stock, metals, etc...to a certain standard, put it together and maintain it throughout your tour. The actions are welded shut, and the barrels are filled. The only actions that are functional are the firing party M14 rifles for funerals and salutes, to manually fire blanks of course. Anyhow, last week they were all lined up to enter the security tent to be inspected. The line wasn't moving. The Agents inspecting the NCG Team wouldn't allow them to pass......because their M1 Rifles would not allow the chamber to be inspected. They didn't believe the NCG Team that the rifles were inert. Silly, but hey shows they are taking it serious.

Son is excited. He will be attending the ball tonight in full NCG Uniform. I wasn't thrilled when he was selected out of boot camp for the dog and pony show NCG stuff. It delayed his actual assignment with the Seabees 2 years. But, he's been a part of history being selected to be on the casket watch detail for a former POTUS and the inauguration detail. He will be crawling through the mud with his fellow Bees in AUG though.
You are a proud father 👍 congratulations 😊
I hope everything goes well but I doubt I will watch it (inauguration, I mean, I don't care about the game either).
Things I've never seen-

Award shows
SOTU addresses

Things I always watch-
NCAA Football championships
NCAA Basketball championships
Super bowls
Stanley cups