I s The SR9 fixed?

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Oct 24, 2007
Trying to decide if I want to buy a SR9 or SR9C, but I keep reading about barrel peening. Has this issue been put to rest or is this still an on going issue? I guesss my other choice would/could be a XDM 3.8. Any comments pro or con would be appreicated. Thanks in advance.
eme":341a01cs said:
Trying to decide if I want to buy a SR9 or SR9C, but I keep reading about barrel peening. Has this issue been put to rest or is this still an on going issue? I guesss my other choice would/could be a XDM 3.8. Any comments pro or con would be appreicated. Thanks in advance.

As far as a new SR9, you may not get the up dated model as they proably have a stock of last years in house. IF you do get a bad one Ruger will fix it for free! The SR9-c would be easyer to carry. I had to send mind in ,but It was back in 10 days with a new barrel. Its been great since then!
Have you look /shot a S+W MP9 .
I don't know if the problem is solved or not.It seems like there are new various issues with the new SR9c. MY "new to me" SR9 shot 200 flawless rounds last Sunday,but the previous owner had sent it back twice for peening and other issues.It seems it is a hit or miss situation with each individual gun.

Also consider the Smith M & P autos. My M & P 9c,which I have owned for a year and a half,has gobbled up all ammo fed it and been flawless.It shoots a little low,but I have that just about worked out.
Fixed? Nope

I've already seen "C" models on the web with a cracked trigger----and barrel peening. These guns have only been in the hands of the public for a month.

Avoid like the plague.

The old P-series guns were/are excellent.

The new designs are junk---which is too bad because they feel great in your hand.

And this coming from someone where EVERY gun in the safe is a Ruger---except for 2.
Over 600 rounds through my SR9c now, zero peening, zero issues with the gun. I'm no Ruger fan boy, so take my experience as just one person, but I consider the SR9c to be one of my best gun purchases ever.
rugerfreak":15bx8dcw said:
Fixed? Nope

I've already seen "C" models on the web with a cracked trigger----and barrel peening. These guns have only been in the hands of the public for a month.

Avoid like the plague.

The old P-series guns were/are excellent.

The new designs are junk---which is too bad because they feel great in your hand.

And this coming from someone where EVERY gun in the safe is a Ruger---except for 2.

Can you post those photos here? I haven't seen them yet? Or maybe a link?
rugerfreak":1vfu2tdq said:
The old P-series guns were/are excellent.

The new designs are junk---which is too bad because they feel great in your hand.

And this coming from someone where EVERY gun in the safe is a Ruger---except for 2.

I have noticed since Bill Ruger has been gone that there hasn't been many flawless introductions. I dont think he released guns until they operated perfectly as he and his team had designed them to. The only thing that I remember being recalled on the P series was the P85 safety. No accidents ever happened but Ruger saw a potential problem that could happen in the rare event of a broken firing pin. Then it seemed in my experience at least the the P guns were flawless for years and then....it all started with the P345 IIRC. Not saying that I don't or wont own the newest Ruger's but the solid durability and reliability that got me interested in the Ruger pistols in the first place seems to have gone by the wayside a tad since 2005 or so. Just my .02 BTW!
I'm afraid Wal-Mart, etc, have convinced big business that all Americans are interested in is low price. Their goal is now to produce guns as absolutely cheaply as possible, without regard to fit, finish, or quality. It's happening all over, but is sadly very apparent in Ruger's polymer guns, I'm afraid. Then again, they seem to have a real problem getting their revolver barrels on straight, too...

Every major manufacturer is having glaring QC issues because of this focus on cost, cost, cost. They have to have enough money left over at the end of the year to pay all those glamor-boy CEO salaries, you know.

-- Sam
The Barrel Peening is going to be an issue I think with any new SR9 and SR9c. I wish it weren't as I love the gun. Whatever the problem is, it seems Ruger is OK replacing barrels on an as needed basis rather than implementing the testing to diagnose the issue and redesigning and recalling every other SR9 sold.

As for the stress fracture in the trigger? Wouldn't worry about that on many unless there proves to be another one pop up. I think that's more of a freak thing, and I'd consider it a tolerance issue on the pin used (that Ruger may or may not make in house) rather a problem with the trigger's hole dimension. It's the same trigger in my SR9 and I haven't seen and SR9 trigger snap or crack after the recall.

The Peening is the most common issue, everything else is a less than ordinary occurrence. Buy one if you like it enough, don't let all the internet stuff scare you, as the one's with good SR9's I feel are the silent majority.

I had a Nissan Sentra that on the way home from a trip, the timing chain snapped throwing a rod. 30K miles, new to me. Nissan replaced the engine as it was under warranty. Would I buy another Nissan? Yes, I would were I in the market currently for a new vehicle.

750 rounds thru mine, and some very minor scuffing on the barrel hood, almost looks like the metal is just matching. The best $429 gun value out there IMO. Love my SR9 and base on my experiance i would recommend this gun to a friend :D
For what its worth I thought I'd throw my experience in on this too. I have around 1000 rounds through mine with 0 failures and no peening or any other issues.
Although there seems to be no less peening threads, it appears that the newest SR9's don't have this issue.

There are going to be new owners that are buying lightly used guns or new older models that will be reporting peening on some of their pistols over time and this may last quite awhile.



http://fnforum.net/possible-cracked-fra ... ht=cracked trigger

I don't think I would worry about the SR9 too much...............Even the mighty Glock has issues that have been mostly suppressed due to the power of money...............Check out link above & read about a few that DID leak out & also check out the FN link. The SR9 was brought out without the benefit of all the trials & testing of the Glock series so a few bugs & refits can be expected. I recently bought two in the last two months and both run GREAT with zero malfunctions so far.I've shot the full sized pistol more & NO peening or signs of it. I have owned about a dozen Glocks & fired at least one from each generation & I can say the SR9 shoots just as good as ANY glock I've owned & actually has less perceived recoil and also fits the hand 100 times better...............When Ghost INC releases the trigger for the SR9 I'll be one happy camper!!!
Well, I can only assure everyone that several SR-9's, and SR-9c's were shot more rounds before the gun's release than all the rounds put together by all the folks complaining about peening have fired. None of those guns failed, and I can assure you that they weren't treated as nicely as most of you treat yours. Should they peen, probably not, will it affect function, or accuracy, probably not.
nhlever":2dvfuhjb said:
Well, I can only assure everyone that several SR-9's, and SR-9c's were shot more rounds before the gun's release than all the rounds put together by all the folks complaining about peening have fired. None of those guns failed, and I can assure you that they weren't treated as nicely as most of you treat yours. Should they peen, probably not, will it affect function, or accuracy, probably not.

Interesting. Good to know. In otherwords, the people who are reporting, with pictures, excessive peening including those who report failure of the weapon to go into battery because of the peening....are liars. Why would people intentionally dis a weapon they bought because they wanted it? Worried Glock boys? :roll:

Edit: You must work for Ruger quality control to be able to make this assurance. Maybe an approved "leak"? Care to share any data?

Have another sip. :wink:
nhlever":3ilgorxl said:
Well, I can only assure everyone that several SR-9's, and SR-9c's were shot more rounds before the gun's release than all the rounds put together by all the folks complaining about peening have fired.

Would you mind explaining exactly how it is that you can 'assure everyone that several SR-9's, and SR-9c's were shot more rounds before the gun's release than all the rounds put together by all the folks complaining about peening have fired'.

This I gotta hear ....

Though the guns are manufactured in Arizona, some of the testing was done down the road from my place, and I know the folks that did the testing. I won't give a round count since I suspect that is priveleged knowledge, but it was in the tens of thousands of rounds for both guns (in the testing that was done here), and from what I have read, gun writers were invited to put several thousand rounds though a dozen, or so pistols before they were released for sale. I have seen modest peening myself, and am sure that no one here is lying, or photoshoping the photos, still, the guns that were tested functioned fine through it all. Let me say here that I have also seen that peening on some 1911 locking lugs /mating surfaces. Now, I can see where excessive peening might prevent a gun from going into battery, but I hadn't heard anything documented, or seen that happen myself. From the little that I have actually seen, it seems to be a timing / fitting issue just as it was in the 1911's that I saw. I examined a couple more SR-9's the other day, one that showed modest peening, and one that did not. I will be the first to admit that I am no semi auto pistol guy. All the prototype guns that I have built, or supervised the building of have been revolvers, shotguns, bolt action, and semi auto rifles. I am just reporting what I have seen, and what I have heard first hand from folks that I trust, and have known for a long time.